in #music7 years ago (edited)

Last chance to get your submission in for


Steemit music Artists Compilation Volume 2 


Submission Deadline Sunday September 10th Midnight UK London Time

The Steemit Artists Compilation is a collection of original songs  from music artists on the steemit platform.   For Volume 1 we took  everything that came in, 51 original tracks from 53 Steemians on    We were so impressed with the variety for volume 1 we  wanted to accept everything to get a really broad range of what  steemit has to offer sound wise.    For volume 2 we will be cutting  the   selections down to 20 accepted tracks that are genre specific to  Hip  Hip  & Rap.      

Submissions are already coming in strong and we really expect  a fantastic collection release for steemit music hip hop rap volume 2 

Final Date To Submit Sunday September 10th 

Volume 2 Release Post Friday September 15th

Calling all original Hip Hop and Rap Artists on Steemit!!

How to Submit your original song!!   


Send on Wav file Original Hip Hop Song to [email protected]   by September 10th.    Volume 2 Steemit Artists Hip Hop will release   September 15th. Must Include in the submission email 

Artist Name | Track Name | Steemit Account   

also send 1 outside steemit music link, this can include a YouTube,    Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, bandcamp or other social   media  or online music link.   

Send To [email protected]


Selected Tracks will be announced in the first official Volume 2 post on September 9th

The Hip Hop Rap Volume 2 posts will include

4 official posts on the volume from @soundlegion with all post payout profits going directly to all the artists on the volume.     

A Volume 2 15 Sec Clip of each track Music Video using 100% Free Stock Footage 

All 20 songs packaged up in a free online digital album download release through   

lots of exposure and love from the steemit community  

1 original Steemian Created Volume 2 Cover (Contest Coming next week Winner will Receive 35 Steem)   

Post Challenges to earn Artists Extra Steem   

Steem Donation Options for all Artists Individual Download Links for first   

Top  Downloaded Track Each week will get 15 Steem and second and thirst 5  Steem Each.     

Volume 2 Will also be submitted to several online indie radio  stations that work with Sound Legion for song rotations.     We will also  be looking for new radio stations and podcasts through steemit to  showcase.     

Full Stats for Volume 2 will be displayed each week instead of partial stats.    Downloads and Plays  

Check out Volume 1 Steemit Artists Music Compilation - Multi Genre   

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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Steemians and Fans will still be able to listen to and download Volume 1 on

SEND SUBMISSIONS TO [email protected]


Looking forward to all the volumes that come out. Talent here is fantastic

great shit cant wait for this one to drop

There are many good entries allready. This album is going to be great too! Much talent here on steemit!

When will there be another submission process

Volume 4 Submission will be Multi Genre and begin in Feb. :)

This is going to be good. I already know what quality Hip Hop we have here!

love your track! top talent @kaykunoichi

I just submitted mine. I didn't have a wav file. Christ I haven't used .wav files in ages. Hopefully the original .mp3 file will suffice. I really tried finding a .wav file for any of the 1657 songs that I have made. I couldn't find any.

sure you mp3 will be fine my friend, we will make it work. looking forward to dropping this volume out there to the steem world.

That's terrific. Looking forward to seeing how the project comes together.

This album is going to be great too!!!

we cant wait to drop this one

Best of luck to those who have submitted

YAY! Made it then, hope they get on board. Now it's time to bite some fingernails and anxiously await the album...

Great stuff sent over my friend all has been received and will let you know if we need anything else. looking forward to packaging this compilation up

Excellent. Really looking forward to hearing the album!

I am waiting for the third season to design a beautiful cover art and win the contest.

yaya. just checked out the burning trees one with friend and very lovely. I will let you know if we use anything you create on any of the sites. We got through a lot of promotional cover designs for things and never know till time something drops what we will use. you are so amazing my friend, thanks for your support and your art and all the heart that goes into it.

That is really very kind of you. Always keep supporting my art and posts.I will always do better and better here.