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RE: Christian Löffler brings soul to a French castle ruin. 🏰

in #music6 years ago

I just heard about the Earth not Being This Spinning Ball about Five Years Ago and for some reason it just made sense to me. I Like thinking that Our Creator Can View his Creation all at once from above us. I feel like God Created the Earth and to keep it to the lowest common denominator why not make it Stationary and Have the Lights in the Sky (Sun and Moon) Circuit over The Earth. Did The Chinese know about this Circuit so They Showed Us with the Yin and Yang Symbol ?? Sun and Moon Circling above the Earth ??

We Also Know the Sky is Blue and in Genesis When God Was Creating he Separated the Waters Above (the sky) from the Waters Below (the oceans). That made sense to me........

I am OK even if I never know in this Life what the Earth looks like in its entirety I am just Glad I am not Spinning Aimlessly into a Fantasy Space Universe that was Created through Hollywood imagination.......


Wow, I see that very familiar symbol in a whole new way now. I so appreciate your humility of thought, @stokjockey. It's so rare, and really stands out. Attractive! ;-)

The impression of everyone's hot response to this topic had already long been on my mind... and is even briefly mentioned here:

(Have been trying to upload it to DTube all morning. No success so far.)