Original Song 'The Idea' - Video/Lyrics

in #music4 years ago

Sometimes we end up falling in love with the idea of someone, or in love with love, or in love with being in a relationship, rather than in love with the actual person you are with. I am guilty of doing this in the past, while not really understanding it until after the fact.

I wrote this song shortly after a relationship I had that ended a quite fast. And I realized I was more sad about losing the relationship/comfort of being with someone rather than losing the actual person. Yes, I did like the person I was with, but it wasn't a true love, which of course played a part in why we broke up. I think it was like that both ways. He didn't truly love me either, he loved the idea me, until that wasn't enough.

  • Tawnie

Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Love can be quite intense and senseless at the same time. For a while it's a dream one really likes to dream, but the inevitable awakening is known so much earlier than one wants to realize it. Real eyes realize real lies, right... ^^

One time in my life it was different. I lost my true love, it had hit me hard, a few sad years went by and since then I began to love differently. She came back ~ 7 years later, wanted to see me again and I felt a mix of lovely memories and the old pain again. She told me that she sometimes still listens to the rap song I made for her. I was totally rhymin' on a higher level than she was able to grasp back then, but it seems like she understood the words in my texts over the years. 'You are sweet, but you are late, miss', I thought.

I decided to let it be, even if she was the one for me. Lessons can't be learned by doing the same mistake again and again. I'm sure we both learned an important one. Broken hearts won't heal this world, so there sometimes is no better way than letting go to create peace. 'Creating a guaranteed little piece of peace in my heart by avoiding another war', I would call it :)

There are so many things one can fall in love with for some time, but I never found the perfect and easy all-in-one solution for every time in life. Maybe it is all about learning to accept that perfection does not come without working long and hard for it. I would say, true love also means to be prepared for bad days, so that the light can be kept alive in the darker times.

Great song, thanks for this!

"intense and senseless" it's so true sometimes, especially in my past experiences. I feel like I had a similar experience with another relationship, having left someone I loved but for valid reasons at the time, and then seeing them 7 years later as well. My love 7 years ago was a much different experience I think than it is now.

I think it's true that it's best not to repeat the same mistakes, and of course sometimes that means not being with someone again, usually because the reasons you broke up still exist in one way or another.
And I agree, from what I've learned true love isn't perfection, it includes working with our imperfections and still loving each other through it all.

@steemchiller Thank you for your story and insight :)

Love it! Hope you find some exposure on Steemit! Great platform to share original content including original music.

Thank you :) I'm glad you enjoyed the song!

Beautiful song. And yes, that story... 💔

Thank you! 💖

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I can relate and so understand this kind of love. I'm guilty myself..hehe. Thank you for sharing your song with us steemit community. Beautiful days ahead to you 😊❤