New Massesect E.P. - 'The Elon' - A Cyberpunk Metal Industrial Journey

in #music2 months ago


*All Music And Art Made With Artificial Intelligence

I've been tripping out lately. I found something - a way to express something via Synthetic Emulation. I go to the music machine and input a journal like entry or a news headline to get something out. This time I chose the topic of 'The Richest Man In The World' aka 'The Elon' a person named after from a sci fi character from a book written by Nazi Scientist who worked to develop the V2 rocket.


All the alt-reality conspiracy is here on the E.P. Or is it real reality for real and truth is stranger that fiction? It's nice to make a blend, genre-wise in the music I attempted to blend some cyberpunk with disco, so alternative and metal with a dark-electro pop sort of vibe. I like the result of the experiment and the lyrics came out especially well.

I like the first song allot called Digital Disguise. Has some dark electro vibes


A.I. music is pretty wild, there is still something off about it which I like allot. I try to make the music a sort of mirror reflection of the culture and I feel that was accomplished. Human rights are in jeopardy more and more, more authoritarianism, tech bro billionaire fascism etc. so I thought it was important to make a artifact of that cultural imprint I've sensed.

Addressed is the Mars grift by 'The Elon' in the song The Elon Paradox


It surprised me actually how much I was able to express in the album. Reminded when I wrote a poem in Social Studies class in ...was it elementary? where the teacher saved it to read to other classes. So even this E.P. is inspiring me to write some lyrics and play some music. Been busy still so it's sometimes hard to play music so the A.I. helped me get by.

This next one is more like an alternative metal song talking about the 2 tiered justice system where citizens get slapped for minor infractions while the rich get away with murder


Yeah actually I thought the Musk Mars thing so hilarious that I couldn't help myself but to make this E.P. I tend to usually, somehow put new music out by the end of the year! Cool. I am enjoying the songs right now and it is inspiring me for more

This one is called Shadow Empire it is one of the Non-Metal tracks on the E.P.

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ok ok good yea this is actually helping through these times, hard times, crazy times. Oh yea will have fun

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