
@thomasrobertget please be sure to get the songs on ISRC so we can put a few into the show. When I have a sec, I will be sure to check it out.

Hey mate! How ya doin?
If you want the album I’ll email you a copy.

@thomasrobertgent I'm doing well outside of a few unexpected bumps. Overall, I cannot complain. I've got a Spotify account, so I've been checking out the new album bit by bit when I have some time. If you don't mind, I'd love to put some of the content up on my show.

How have things been on your side? I'm hoping some point in the future things work out and we can connect for a bit and catch up again.

Your more than welcome to play any of my material on your show, life’s been so hectic down my neck of the woods, 3 young children, recently got a pretty sweet promotion where I work which is quite demanding, my passion (obsession) for creating music ... overall life’s good but insanely busy. I fully intend to get back on discord when the times right... hopefully sooner rather than later.