Here we go! - Discuss releases first single in years on

in #music7 years ago

Here we Go! - Discuss releases first single in years on

Cover Art:Track Name & Link
cf392e94b0c7d15d729233d2f5211bd58a67c23a32125efe750787c8debe059265525f53aaab027f18632c1fba7c.png Our own little world
(C) Discuss & Discos Unherduf (Puerto Rico) - unherduf-0001

The adventure begins. I have been MIA from my music projects for the past few years. In all honesty, I produced and produced and produced for a while and life happened.

A Brief History:

I released my first full length album under the Discuss moniker on my own, without a label, without a budget, all of it was DIY, except for the mass produced 1000 copies of my album on CD's, yeah those things we have disc-arded, (no pun intended... ;) ) by luck and timing, the budget for the production came together and the first official release of music I created had been put out into the world, the self-titled Discuss album, circa April 2006. The album was well received and at the time I was living in Pittsburgh, PA where Discuss developed into a collaborative project and was able to run for a while with 2 full lengths, a single released after moving to Puerto Rico, a few unofficial full length's on and a lot of opening shows with a lot of great musicians. Had a couple of side projects collaborating with like minded producers and musicians.

I am launching this new single on as an experiment, I will be writing a series on the experience of this release and if this proves to be what it can be, I will continue to release and share more music that remains unherduf (Discos Unherduf).

As life happens, one starts to follow paths to sustain your art, your life, your basic necessities, and then wham, someone you meet becomes a significant friend, then special friend, then all of a sudden you are standing before your family and friends, at your own wedding. Yes, life happens. These were choices I made and did not think they would affect my root purpose in life, as to this day, the fire that fuels my music and my art would not be rekindling and starting the smoke if it weren't for life happening. My beloved wife and partner in crime has always been supportive, and she has never had the pleasure of listening to me play a live set through a DECENT sound system and at big shows that I was blessed to be part of.

As life continues to happen, responsibilities continue to get bigger/ heavier. You start to begin to live to work, rather than work to live... And Life continues happening. I had no time to get down and record some ideas that were floating in my head, or when I did get time or had a great idea for a melody or a beat, it was past 4 AM and I had to be at work and sharp in 3 hours and proceed to code, code, and code for the greater part of the day. No way I could do good work on no sleep constantly, only when I had to, I would obligate myself to record, arrange and finish a composition no matter the hour and amount of sleep I could get or not. 48 hours without sleep is a weird state of being, even weirder: 72 hrs without sleep, and constantly pouring out creations (coding for my job, painting for my art, working on music for my projects, coding for my own projects, research for solutions, providing solutions, and then more code, and then more research).

Making a living this way is not what I had envisioned, but Life Happens, and one must continue moving and evolving and adapting. What one envisions does not necessarily end up being what one does, but for the time being, I keep reminding myself that this is temporary, when the time comes, the intuition will kick in. And with this same idea and spirit, Life Happens to be pointing me in the direction of what I need, what fulfills me and the things that sounds can do to a person and their life experience can be as important as a soundtrack to a movie. It can shape and define a person, it can help expand a persons cognitive powers and I can continue on sound forever, but theres more life happening and the time for that conversation is not now. When you watch a 'bad' movie, and you seem to be ok with it, it is probably that the music and sound is making up for the poor writing or narrative, or other gaps in the entire visual production. With this last note on music as a soundtrack to life:

ENJOY - "Our own little world", the latest single by Discuss -

P.S. Anyone that has used give a shoutout and share your experience, as it will help with follow up posts and as a measure of proper functionality of's awesome potential.

"Our own little world" by Discuss, (C) 2018.


Love the track - keep the Musicoin revolution rolling on....:)

Love this!