When do you know that you had enough of something?
Thus question apply to anything, from a relationship to eating food to exercise.
When do you know that you had enough of something?
Thus question apply to anything, from a relationship to eating food to exercise.
Excitement is the trigger for pleasure. We move towards what excites us. We want more of what excites us.
Excitement is the infusion of energy. When you are excited about something, you spend all your resources towards ensuring that you have enough of that thing. However, there's bound to be the end.
Every excitement must come to an end except you are a mask with a smiling face.
Usually, when you've have had enough of something, fatigue sets in.
For instance, I used to love playing football when I was very young. I was quite energetic for someone my age. I could play football from sunrise till sunset. We would play in groups and it was not uncommon to see me play for almost all groups because I was constantly replacing those who were tired.
However, the indicator to me that I had had enough was when fatigue sets in. If I'm tired, it means it's all over for me.
So, that's one marker.
Another marker to know you have had enough of something is that it no longer triggers any form of excitement in you. Something that would normally arouse your interest now loses its excitement. It's an indication that you've had enough.
I don't players football as often as I used to but I now play video games very often too. I could be with my game pad and play from morning till night. The only thing that stops me then is when the game loses its excitement factor. This could come in many ways (I mean for my gaming). It could be that I've been beaten too many times or I've won too many times. More often than not, it's the first. Those who play FIFA can tell you that the game can be frustrating at times. So, after like eight or ten attempt at trying to beat particular team and coming short, I pack up and switch off the game. It's an indication that I've HAD ENOUGH.
I hope I've done justice to your question.
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This depends on what the something is. So I will take it from that perspective. I know had enough of a particular food when I no longer have appetite for it and the mere sight of it irritates me then I'll know I've eaten it so much. If I stay away from it though for a long while I start to crave for of again.
I know I've had enough of a particular activity when I no longer enjoy doing it and can't get the usual satisfaction I usually get from it. If it's a particular job I discover I force myself to do it then I know I've had enough. If it's rest, I know I've had enough when I'm energized.
Basically, losing focus, Interest, joy or any form of entertainment indicates that one has had enough.
Normally we get bored or stale of something. This means that you are not interested anymore and whatever it is doesn't excite you like it once did.
I know that I've had enough of something when it's starting to make me feel and behave differently. There's a limit to everything one can do. Whenever I've done or taken something for too long and it's beginning to make me feel uncomfortable, I quickly understand that it's time to take a long break from such a thing before I'll start resenting it.