My2018: A Tour around my town | Aceh is my dear land | Let's go around Aceh (Bilingual)
A wife became a widow and the children lost their father at that time, the society's economy was in turmoil and unsafe conditions only because of a peaceful civil war after the great disaster hit Aceh. On December 26, 2004, Tsunami incident struck Aceh that has killed thousands of people in Aceh at some point of the region.
Very sad if we tell and keep an imprint in memory. Hopefully not the same thing again for the second time. Thank you for the realizing the peace of Aceh with Indonesia on 15 August 2004 in Helsinki, Fillandia. And all the eyes of the world have been present to help Aceh when the great calamity that makes many hearts cry when remembered.Now the people of Aceh have started to build a new spirit and life, the incident in the past is not a burden to our minds. We discussed what happened, what happened hopefully there is good behind all of them. Memories of the Aceh conflict and tsunami gradually began to recover in the minds of the people of Aceh and now Aceh began to build the economic welfare and life of the people of Aceh.
I am not talking about Islam because religion is, after all, the most important in this land of Mecca. I would rather review how the situation and situation in Aceh is now very safe without violence and terror. In addition, Aceh continues to cooperate with foreign countries to continue to develop education, economcs and towards a more developed Aceh and improve progress in various fields.
If you spend a lot of time taking a little time to visit Aceh, there are so many things you can find in Aceh that you can not find anywhere else. If you are a historian, a lot of historical relics of Aceh's royal heritage are scattered in various areas of Aceh. If you are a photographer there are so many objects that you can choose to get a satisfactory result. If you are a journalist, there are many topics that you can develop after you learn about the customs and culture of the people of Aceh. And if you are a tourist, a lot of places you can visit one week does not seem enough time for you if you want to get around in Aceh. Lots of places of interest to visit, be it local attractions and tourist attractions that are well known in the eyes of the world. So do not be surprised if a lot of foreign tourists who choose to visit Aceh. They love the nature of Aceh, they are happy to be in Aceh because the people of Aceh are very friendly in receiving guests. Besides, they also like the uniqueness of the culture and customs of the people of Aceh.
Above are some photographs in some places I have ever visited, although I am native Acehnese but I have yet to visit all the places of tourist attractions in Aceh.
Kini masyarakat Aceh sudah mulai membangun semangat dan kehidupan yang baru, kejadiaan di masa lalu tidak menjadi beban pikiran bagi kami. Kami mengikhlaskan setiap apa yang sudah terjadi, yang terjadi biarlah terjadi
semoga ada kebaikan di balik semuanya. Ingatan tentang konflik dan Tsunami Aceh sedikit demi sedikit mulai memulih dalam ingatan masyarakat Aceh dan kini Aceh mulai untuk membangun kesejahteraan ekonomi dan kehidupan masyarakat Aceh.
Saya tidak membahas tentang keislaman karena walau bagaimanapun agama adalah yang paling utama di negeri serambi Mekah ini. Selain itu Aceh terus membngun kerja sama dengan negara luar untuk terus mengembangkan pendidika, ekonomi dan menuju Aceh yang lebih berkembang dan meningkatkan kemajuan di berbagai bidang.
Jika kalian banyak waktu mari meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk berkunjung ke Aceh, banyak sekali hal yang bisa kalian temukan di Aceh yang tidak bisa kalian temukan di tempat lain. Jika kalian seorang sejarawan, banyak sekali peninggalan sejarah peninggalan kerajaan Aceh yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah Aceh. Jika kalian seorang photographer banyak sekali objek yang bisa anda pilih untuk mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. Jika kalian seorang jurnalis, banyak sekali topik yang bisa kalian kembangkan setelah kalian pelajari tentang adat dan kebudayaan masyarakat Aceh. Dan jika kalian seorang wisatawan, banyak sekali tempat yang bisa kalian kujungi satu minggu rasanya tidak cukup waktu untuk kalian jika ingin berkeliling di Aceh. Banyak sekali tempat yang menarik perhatian untuk dikunjungi, baik itu tempat wisata lokal maupun tempat wisata yang sudah dikenal di mata dunia. Sehingga tidak heran jika banyak sekali wisatawan asing yang memilih untuk berkunjung ke Aceh. Mereka menyukai alam Aceh, mereka senang berada di Aceh karena masyarakat Aceh sangat ramah dalam menerima tamu. Disamping itu mereka juga menyukai keunikan kebudayaan dan adat istiadat masyarakat Aceh.
Diatas adalah beberapa poto di beberapa tempat yang pernah saya kunjungi, walaupun saya orang asli Aceh akan tetapi belum juga saya berkunjung ke semua tempat tempat wisata yang ada di Aceh.
Amazing, bang mimi mampu... Manusia luar biasa saya kira pantas untuk sebutan org seperti bangmimi👌👏👏👏💕
Yes, I'am @bangmimi. I'm a newbie writer, indroduce yourserlf brother @moexyn19 .
Saya pun demikian master, saya harap bangmimi punya tangan yang siap menggenggam setiap kali kami akan jatuh.. Hehe... Semoga anda menjadi alasan kami sukses... Sbgai pemula.. 😊👏👏💕
Like I looked Aceh is very rich in events, attractions and unique culture that will fascinate anyone.
Aceh is also rich in natural beauty, waves and marine parks, suitable for diving. Some of the most beautiful sites and historical attractions and Aceh's beaches have been damaged by the massive earthquake and devastating Tsunami in December '04.
#Regards @bangmimi
I have explained above a little about its history, sorry if not too detailed that I write. thank you for coming and agree with what I write.
Regards too @blacksweet
ini sangat luar biasa, sangat hebat bangmimi
Yes, this is amazing this is about, memories the children and community of Aceh.
Good luck brother, uda upvote and resteem yah... Hhahah
Okay thank you full @ponpase your're the best motivator .
Seketek ju jih beh, bek lupa trik biasa, hadir selalu...
Bla bla bla....
Translate error !!! the birds language .
Sungguh luar biasa karya bang mimi
Bang mimi....tolng ajarkan dan talng komen penulisan kami moga bisa juga memperbaiki
Dan dan tidak terabaikan.
By maulidin-al asyi
Aman akhy @maulidin-alasyi
Kita tidak sendiri disini kita bisa belajar bersama.
Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.
You're welcome brother @culturevulture