Show Us Your California Contest Winners!
The Contest
Every Thursday, we are asking you to show us Your California. We love to see your contributions so much, that we are awarding prizes!! Steem Basic Income shares are up for grabs every week!!
You can show us what Your California looks like in many ways - from photos to poetry, videos to artwork or whatever represents California to you.
This Week's Entries
Click on the pictures to view the posts
The Winners
@zetetrahedron369 - 1st Prize 3SBI
@creationofcare - 2nd Prize 1SBI
Congratulations @zetetrahedron369 and @creationofcare!!

Thank you so much for being part of the SoCalSteemit Community!
Remember to come back on Thursday for the next "Show us Your California" Contest.
Your Support
If you like this contest to grow - please, tell all your SoCal friends about it. Also, any donations and sponsorships for this contest are welcome.

Steemit Meetup
It's time for another meetup! For this SoCal Steemit meetup we were invited by @melbookermusic to come watch his band 'Mel Booker and King' play the blues!! You can find all the details in this post. We hope to see you there!!

SoCal Steemit Weekly Voice Chat
Hey SoCal Steemit members, tuesdays at 8pm we will be having our 'SoCal Weekly Chat' in the voice chat channel in our Discord server. So come say hi and have some fun chatting with your fellow SoCal Steemians!

?New Mystery Photo Clue?
This area was once a major trade route for Native Americans.
make your guess here

Would you like to help us support the SoCal Steemit community?
Consider giving a delegation

Thank you!
Upvoted and ReSteemed.
Congratulations @zetetrahedron369 and @creationofcare !
Gotta love that SBI.
I have an entry for next week ready. It's gone be wet and grey.
Get your best mopey eyebrows ready and look forward to my next post featuring panoramic shots of a rainy day in downtown LA.
Hello, I never received the 3 STEEM reward. Enclosed is a screenshot I just took of my wallet page:
(And of course, you can always check my actual wallet site to verify information.)
Hi @zetetrahedron369. The prize is 3SBI (Steem Basic Income) not 3 Steem. Sorry for any confusion. You can read all about SBI here. If you have any questions feel free to ask.