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RE: Photo Fun Contest - Week 9 Theme of the week ... "I am guilty of..” ~ Almost Dying from the FLU!~

in #mydailypost7 years ago

I am thankful that you had a guest staying with you who knew the signs and what to do! @strypes Too scary to think "what if..." How can we prevent this from happening in the future???


I am thankful too. I truly believe God had him here for that reason. He has the knowledge and skills that were needed in that moment.

The "what if's" are that "if" he had not been here, I would have died. I know it. I know how I felt when he was trying to get me up. I didn't care. All I wanted was to put my head back on my pillow. I would have never woke up again.

How to prevent it in the future? My thoughts are that diabetics should be educated on the side effects of flu (drops blood sugar hello?) so more effective measures could be taken. Like drink the juice full strength before laying down! And not to lay down if your blood glucose level is in the 80's.

When I googled it later, all I got for prevention is "get the shot"

NO WHERE did I see any warnings of the potential of dangerous plummeting blood glucose levels or instructions of what to do if your levels were seriously low.

I appreciate your concern. Thank you.

Yes, God was saying it wasn't your time.
The Internet needs to have more concise information about diabetes in general. Even if you set a timer to drink juice, if yiur glucose drops too low you won't wake up. Stay with a friend? Scary. I'm super glad you're okay. Hug!