A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MY PUPPIES VLOG #3 | Delivering puppies! | MyPictureDay submission
Big smiles from Karli right before delivering 10 beautiful healthy labrador puppies. And it’s a much easier process for labradors than it is for humans, I have to say.
Af first I noticed that she was going into labour because she started panting continuously for hours. And this didn't stop until she started to deliver the puppies. Then as she got closer to delivering, she started pacing frequently back and forth.
Here's a shot of how big she got right before delivering. Clearly much bigger than her normal size. I know she's getting close when it literally looks like she can't possibly get any bigger.

Then finally after hours of panting and anticipation she finally delivered her first puppy at about 4pm. Then over the course of the next eight hours she delivered the rest of her puppies. She had six chocolate labs, three black labs and one gold lab.
We built a specialized bed with a heated base for the delivery and the caring of the puppies for the first few weeks. Puppies have to be kept at really warm temperatures when they are young because their bodies cannot regulate temperature yet.
I have to say looking after these pups day and night has been my closest experience to looking after a newborn baby. From constantly checking up on them and making sure they have everything they need, to waking up regularly throughout the night, and losing sleep, I think this has been an enjoyable yet strenuous taste of motherhood.
Check out my vlog about it here
The puppies are less than a week old and they haven't even opened their eyes or started walking yet. In the coming weeks I'll be telling you guys more about this process and capturing as much of it as I can.
And it was another beautiful day in the country
I'm taking suggestions for names for the gold puppy
So far someone suggested to me that I name her Floki (a name from the Vikings tv show). But I'm not sure that this is feminine enough for a girl. What do you guys think? Do you have any other suggestions?
Also if there are any aspects of my dog breeding that you'd like to hear more about or any questions that you have please let me know in the comments.
Much love,
All photos and video are mine and original. Shot on iPhone 7 Plus with basic processing done on photoshop.
For information about the dogs I breed visit my website torontolabradorpuppies.com
For more about me check out my Introduceyourself
And you can also connect with me on Instagram

Awwwww nothing like puppies to make your day shine!!! Congrats!!
thanks! it's so true :)
They are so cute... Floki is ok! I only saw Vikings Season 1. Liked it.
Thanks! Yeah I'm thinking I might stick with it :)
Good vibes, you certainly have a tribe
Aw thanks @allgoodthings!
you're most welcome :)
Oh how cute they are! And Karli does look cery happy :) Humans have the smallest hips to head ratio of all mammals so it's no wonder that it is harder for humans to give birth. Imagine giving birth to ten kids :P I'm happy that they are all healthy!
Thanks for the wonderful feedback @mialinnea! That's a good point :)
Nice to hear meet you @natashahall
very beutiful women natasha ♥
i like you
What are you doing with the other puppies? Are they for sale, or do you give them for adoption to people who want a Labrador?
They will be adopted by other families :)
Paws up to you, sweet human!

What a great job you are doing dear friend @natashahall congratulations, what beautiful puppies and how many you have given your beautiful labrador.
I loved your post, thank you very much for sharing all this information and the beautiful photos.
I wish you a wonderful weekend
Thanks so much @jlufer! I really appreciate that :) You too!
They look so adorable and tiny! I can't wait to see more pictures/videos! <3
Thank you @nikolina! Glad you liked it :)
aww, cute puppers!
Thank you! :)