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RE: Writing, Editing, NaNoWriMo and... NaNoSTEEMo?

in #nanowrimo5 years ago

I have made 3 NaNoWriMo attempts so far. And I am doing it again this year. Last year, we made a big deal of it between the Freewrite and the @FreewriteHouse. We had contests and prizes for readers and it was a lot of fun. This year, I don't have the energy to do all that it takes to service the contests and rewards.
But will still give out random rewards for people who are telling me that they are participating this year. I think there are 5 of us at this point.
Personally, I am not even going to attempt a novel this year. My intention is to write 50,000 words and don't censor myself. It might become anything. I just want to get back into the habit of writing every day and writing a good amount of words.

Last year, I finished and uploaded to the site and received my certificate. The time before, I signed up and never started. My first year, I did write the 50,000 words. But my mom passed away in that month and I went to Germany. When it was time to upload the manuscript, I found myself without any internet access. Oh well.
I did not publish any of it so far.
You love editing and I don't LOL