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RE: C’mon, Get Happy!

in #nanowrimo8 years ago

YAY, Irene! you're up to 1783 words already!
I need to sign off Steemit and get writing in my book! It's 11 PM and I'm having a cup of coffee. LOL
Great start to the book too! I'm definitely curious about their road trip but I nearly spit coffee out of my nose by the mention of Tiger Beat. Holeee-Shit is that rag even still around?!?


I'm not sure about Tiger Beat but I did see it a few years ago. I was a loyal fan from about age 10 to 13.

Tomorrow might be a harder than usual day for me. I have a job interview in the city. But I have the novel loaded onto my iPad so I can write on the train. Seems like old times!

Good luck on the interview! Hopefully it's a great match and there's some stability. Were you going stir-crazy at home?

No. I love being at home. It's probably not the best thing for my weight, but I have a perfect office and I love being able to have lunch with Warren. Then again, we have to pay the mortgage if we want to stay in our house.