3 lessons of life finished reading you are also surprised

  1. Many times help the person is to help ourselves.

One of the soldiers, after being raided by the enemy, hid in the cave. The enemy immediately close behind, he quickly hid feet in the cave and pray God forbid Buddha to not be discovered by the enemy. Suddenly one of his arms burned with pain. It turned out to be a spider.

He reached for his hands and crushed it, but suddenly the compassion began to release the spider. Unbelievably, the spider came in and pulled out a new web. The enemy was caught in the cave, seeing that a spider web was still intact, and guessed that there was no one in the cave and that they were leaving.
Kết: Kỳ thực, giúp đỡ người khác cũng là đang giúp chính mình vì khi hỗ trợ người khác, chưa nói đến việc họ có trả ơn, trả nghĩa cho ta hay không nhưng mỗi khi làm được điều tốt cho người khác giúp bạn gia tăng lòng tự trọng và có sự thỏa lòng. Chính chúng ta thấy vui vẻ, phấn chấn hơn và yêu bản thân mình hơn.

In fact, helping other people is also helping themselves because when supporting others, not to mention whether they pay back, pay for us or not, but each time doing good things to help others. increased self-esteem and satisfaction. We are more cheerful, more cheerful and more in love with ourselves.

In life, let's help each other, even when it's the smallest one. Maybe at some point you will have difficulty and there is someone kindly help you honestly.