Are you an Eczema sufferer - or, is it something more dangerous - plus hints and tips

I have suffered for over eight years and I have been seen by doctors and a skin specialist. I've tried over the counter and prescription treatments (cortisone etc), but all I seemed to manage is to control it to a degree.

A month or so ago I began to experience a lot of pain with hard ridges forming under the skin - and my friend forced me to visit his homeopathic doctor.

Can you imagine my shock when I learnt that I do not suffer from eczema, that my problem is thrombosis (lower extremity arterial thrombosis). How did he know?

I had noticed that the calf of my right leg is visibly larger than my left. He told me that this was because of the clot blocking the blood and thus swelling my leg.

I was given homeopathic medicines to strengthen my heart and to help with the skin problem (caused by the valves weakening and blood leaking into the tissue - which then, if I understood him well, developed the blood clots. The danger of the clots is that a piece of a clot may break off and travel to my lungs).

Massaging the legs is dangerous, even if it makes sense, in the respect that I thought it helps to get the blood flowing. Massaging will break up the clot, putting your life in danger.

I am taking the thrombosis threat seriously, but I have chosen to treat it in my own way, I do not like the medical options for thinning my blood. It is too soon to know whether my ideas are working or not.

I suggest you study your problem. Using the web is only the first step, but it can be helpful, so that you know what the doctor is talking about when you see him.

Remember, there are at least seven types of eczema and each one needs to be treated in its own way, so do not do as I did and seek professional (homeopathic) advice.

What are some of the common ways for treating the eczema (in a natural manner)?

Diet (for example, dairy products - dairy products from farms where you get the milk raw (not homogenised or pasteurised - and the cows have not been over-treated with hormones and antibacteria shots, are much less damaging and provide much needed minerals and fats (oh, avoid all fat-free or low-fat dairy products, they are bad for your children). If you are not certain of your dairy products, then avoid them for a month or so and watch for any improvements in your condition

AVOID sugar as much as you can.Every time I eat chocolates, cake, sweets, my legs flare up.

Also very helpful is vitamin D

I quote:
Despite having a healthy diet and consuming foods that are rich in Vitamin-D, you may still have a high deficiency of Vitamin-D. Thus your diet may not heal Eczema. You can intake Vitamin D supplements to treat eczema effectively. Additionally, you can Intake foods rich in Vitamin-D complex, that include oily fish and egg yolk. (PS - do not forget that vitamon D is excellent for Corvid19 virus protection). If you are over 50 years old, do not forget you need to take a zink supplement.

Vitamin-C helps in maintaining skin health and has beneficial effects on the skin cells. It also supports anti-oxidation and pro-oxidation, the formation of skin barriers, and provides UV protection. Vitamin-C is the source of collagen in the human body. It is proven helpful in preventing pain.

But certain factors that may disrupt collagen production are age, inadequate protein intake, high inflammation, smoking, etc. So, it is necessary to intake the proper dosage of Vitamin-C in the form of foods (including papaya, oranges, cauliflower, broccoli, pineapple, bell pepper, etc.) and supplements daily.

The dosage could vary between 5,000 - 15,000 IU. You should consult with your dermatologist or homeopathic doctor.

Deficiency of Vitamin-A(2) leads to liver disorder, ocular effects, and fat malabsorption. It also causes weak immunity, hematopoiesis, bumpy skin, and rashes or rough skin. It is a significant factor required for various bodily functions, including good skin health, proper immune system, reproduction, adequate vision, etc.

Consume food rich in Vitamin-A (including green leafy vegetables, dairy products, fruits, cereals, etc.) and dietary supplements (contains retinyl acetate or retinyl palmitate, multivitamin-mineral, etc.) Although it is suitable for health, it can be dangerous when used excessively. It can also lead to toxicity, which can cause serious issues such as mouth ulcers, vision impairment, etc.

Also, quotes regarding other natural healing herbs, foods and so on, from a few other sites:


Honey Mixture for Dressing

Honey works for treating wounds and contains critical antibacterial properties. As such, honey for eczema is an effective cure. For eczema sufferers, make honey ointment at home from a mixture of beeswax, honey, and olive oil relieves itchy symptoms of the disease. Research shows those who use such honey mixtures for dressing can reduce their eczema symptoms. Make this mixture from cold-pressed olive oil, beeswax, and unprocessed, natural honey.

Honey for eczema comes with a lot of benefits. It is a natural antiseptic which heals wounds. It brings down swelling and inflammation in eczema patients because it is an anti-inflammatory product. Honey is antimicrobial, which makes it ideal for combatting bacterial infections leading to eczema(2). Research shows bacterial pathogens aggravate lesions in eczema patients. Honey can keep such symptoms at bay and heal your eczema.

How to Apply Honey for Eczema in Ways That Heal the Rash?

Eczema is a painful condition, and honey can be applied along with other natural ingredients like olive oil, cinnamon, and beeswax for optimal benefits. Honey for eczema can be used directly in raw, unprocessed form for optimal benefits.

Is Honey Good for Eczema?

Honey is excellent for eczema because it acts in three different ways to prevent symptoms from advancing. Firstly, it wards off swelling and eczema lesions, as honey is a potent anti-inflammatory substance. Secondly, it blocks the growth of microbes and bacteria that cause rashes and itching in eczema patients. Thirdly, it acts as a natural antiseptic, healing the pain and wounds caused due to eczema. Honey is a natural moisturizer, making it perfect for curing dryness of the skin caused by disease.

Effective Home Remedies To Heal Open Wounds
Open wounds are a nightmare; not only are they painful and messy, but also take time to heal completely. Not to forget, they leave a permanent mark on your skin. Here are some home remedies to ensure quick healing and prevent from getting infection.

These home remedies will help you clean your wound better and ensure it is dis-infected. Make sure you use them regularly to see the best results. Please note, these ingredients work best with treatments on minor wounds. In case of major injuries, please resort to medications under supervision.

The humble kitchen spice is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic agent that has been used for years for its medicinal uses. As per a study published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, the curcumin in turmeric helps boost wound healing by modulating collagen. If the wound is bleeding, apply turmeric on the wound; bleeding will immediately stop. Also drink a glass of turmeric milk every night before bedtime to heal completely.(Also Read: 8 Health Benefits of Turmeric (Haldi): Getting Back to the Roots)

Applying honey on the open wound helps dehydrate the bacteria from it and keeps infections at bay. Honey is well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply honey directly on the wound regularly before washing it.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that ease the healing process. In fact, its gel has phytochemicals that help ease the pain and reduce inflammation. Cut open an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel. Apply the gel on the wound and let it dry. Clean the area with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel

Coconut oil
Coconut oil helps ease the pain and keeps infections at bay; thanks to its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria properties. In fact, coconut oil helps prevent scarring as well. All you need to do is to apply this oil on the affected area and cover it with a clean cloth. Re-apply the coconut oil at least 2-3 times a day.


Onion has an anti-microbial compound known as allicin that protects the wound from getting infected. Just blend an onion and honey in a blender and make a paste. Apply it directly over the wound to accelerate healing process.

These handy ingredients are not only effective but also ensure complete healing. All you need to do is to apply them religiously to see the results!

Is Epsom Salt Good For Eczema? Here’s The Truth!

Epsom salt has been around for a long time. These salts have many incredible medical uses. They also appear to be in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of essential medicines. And more importantly, they are great for taking care of skin troubles. Now, the big question; is Epsom salt good for eczema? The fact is, the salt is active for tackling skin issues, and eczema is one of those issues. In this post, we will discuss Epsom salt, and how it works for eczema and other things you need to know before you start using it. Read on!

Epsom salt is common and quite affordable. You can get it in many grocery and drug stores. Besides having the ability to tackle skin issues like eczema, this salt has long been used to treat conditions like insomnia, constipation, and fibromyalgia. But unfortunately, there isn’t enough research to substantiate claims of the salt’s health benefits. The ones available are mostly anecdotal.

Magnesium is popularly recognized for its wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. So, there is an excellent possibility that Epsom salt can heal the skin and get rid of eczema. If you have had these embarrassing patches on your skin in the past, you will understand that finding such a cheap cure can be relieving.

Epsom salt: Magnesium sulfate passes through your skin

Before revealing more on how Epsom salt helps in managing eczema, you need to understand the role and importance of magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate is one of the compounds that Epsom releases when one bathes with the salt.

However, the point here is, the skin can absorb it, and there is a possibility that your blood-magnesium and sulfate levels could increase. Studies conducted at the University of Birmingham UK, on how the skin absorbs magnesium and sulfate turned out to be useful.

Can Epsom salt prevent the spread of eczema causing pathogens?

Epsom salt can prevent eczema-causing pathogens from spreading. The hydrated salt is known to draw moisture from the fungi and bacteria that cause the skin disease, thereby reducing the symptom in the process. It doesn’t only have the capacity to prevent the spread but possess antimicrobial power that can completely heal eczema.

Detoxifying properties

As mentioned earlier, Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfate, two useful minerals that promote detoxification of the body. Magnesium can lower blood toxicity because it can function as an alkalinizing agent.

Having an immune system that can counter the actions of toxins is vital. That is what Epsom salt can provide you. The salt helps to restore the balance between acid and base in the body, which indirectly prepares the immune system to tackle any attack.

Epsom salt is useful for treating eczema. It is not only comfortable but safe to use. There is no report of toxicity of magnesium, a mineral that the salt contains. This salt is found in a good number of beauty products too.

What I use

  • My mixture soothes my skin and I have stopped suffering from the pain which feels as if someone is stretching my skin painfully (or, as if my skin has shrunk and is painfully stretched). The ingredients do not need to be exact, but I prefer to err in favour of too much oil than in too little


1 . A mixture of Olive oil and Coconut oil (in a rough ratio of 80% olive, 20% coconut - the olive seems to be better at staying oily, rather than drying, but coconut is better absorbed by the skin, so it may be more healing)

2. Honey - this MUST be raw honey which has NOT been irradiated/ radurised, so that it retains its antibacterial properties. Radured honey has been killed and all you get from it is the taste, no goodness. I am lucky, I mostly buy my honey in the honeycomb). Honey should not be, in volume, more than 20 to 25% of the total mixture.

3 .Turmeric - I use the powder, but I suspect fresh turmeric would be more effective. If you can get it, experiment and see which is better for you.

Mix it well, it should be runny. Careful as the yellow of the turmeric may stain your towels etc., and do not drip it on your carpet.

Apply gently, leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes, then wet a face towel and lightly rub it off.

Apply 3 times a day.

*** What else could be added to my mixture? It seems that Neem oil would be a good option, but I have not tried it. Also, Propolis (propolis is made by bees. It can be seen as a brown layer around the inner side of the hive, protecting the honey/honeycomb (and baby bees) from fungus and bacteria). If the yellow of turmeric is an insurmountable problem, replace it with Baking Soda (not Baking Powder).

My mixture may not heal you, but it will reduce the suffering. Also, by your skin being softer and healthier, it seems to help retard the growth of the eczema.

Take care of yourself, and if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer them...if I can :)

  • posted: 19th Aug, 2020