NM Question: How Does Community Help You Thrive?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)


How Does Community Help You Thrive?

This question, at least initially, is a tough one for me. I've had precious few opportunities in my life to be part of what I'd call a real community. That is, a community whose members genuinely care about all in the community and look forward to the sincere shared love and mutual support inherent in what could legitimately be defined as "community".

Until now.

Obviously any member of a true community is likely to be much better off than the typically isolated member of 'society'. Within what passes for society, the ever pervasive poisoning and programming have us all set up to be (as much as possible) pitted against one another rather than to be living and working harmoniously. This is why, as with countless others, my experience, outside of family and friends, has been practically bereft of such communal love and support.

Until now.

Now I am a member of a community. Three of them actually, and I don't mind if I never get to meet most of the membership. You see Steemit, an uncontrolled and (therefore) uncensored blockchain technology, along with the coordinating aid of Discord to facilitate groups (referred to as 'tribes') of wonderful humans in combining efforts to make the world a much better place, have changed everything for many, including yours truly. I am a member of three Steemit/Discord communities (tribes), each whose coordinated focus is upon positive change, greatly strengthened by one strikingly common element...




From within these tribes, I see respect extended to each and every member, at all times. Even when an apparent troll managed to infiltrate, the words used by moderators and membership alike to deal with him were steeped in respect. Because that's how these beautiful communities roll. The tribes may be primarily cyber-based, but they (and the love they share) are as real as the nose in front of your face. I'm here to tell you that 99+% of all posts and comments from members of these beautiful tribes are painted with sincere love. Love of Earth and all her sentient beings, regardless of all else. Respect comes as an organic byproduct of this love, for without respect love does not exist. I find this respect, and indeed this love, exquisitely refreshing, particularly in contrast with what I've come to know in the day-to-day goings on of a world programmed by (generally) unknown strangers to be at odds with itself.

The strangers hold no sway here, because although they may infiltrate us from time to time, there's no central control mechanism with which they might take hold and make things ugly. This is a place where the majority actually wields power, and the power we wield is love.



So how indeed does this community make me thrive?

First, by raising my morale, indeed my true spirit itself. Vibrational frequency is the most powerful tool we hold, and in learning to raise it to the level of our design, we discover our true potential here on Earth. And working within these beautiful tribes has utterly reset my frequency to a level which has afforded me a far higher sense of self worth, of the world being 'right', and of the hearts of the vast majority of humans being truly good and abundant in love.

Second, in full reciprocation of the work I do in my 'Voyage Home' series, in which I put much focus upon healing naturally by following our original design. The reciprocation comes to me in spades with the love and healing information offered by so many tribemates here, for ailments which I've struggled with. I'm finally getting over a personal ailment, and it was physical, medicinal and spiritual techniques offered by tribemates that turned the tables. And I love you all very dearly.

With vibrant health and maxxed vibrational frequency, backed by the love of my family, which now includes my beautiful tribes, there is nothing I can't accomplish in aiding those who endeavor to re-form the world into what it was designed to be.

And I plan to do so... RIGHT HERE.

I love you,



Please note: Each image (below) contains a link to its origin on Steemit.







i love this!

Even when an apparent troll managed to infiltrate, the words used by moderators and membership alike to deal with him were steeped in respect. Because that's how these beautiful communities roll.

so true!

and this is so good:

So how indeed does this community make me thrive?

First, by raising my morale, indeed my true spirit itself.

--- i agree so much. One can debate whether online relationships are as "valid" as IRL ones, but truly these connections have actual effects on our spirits and wellbeing. real enough for me! beautiful response :)

Can't tell you how glad I am that you like my response! It's tribemates like yourself that make this community what it is, benefiting us all so deeply, and generating the promise of a better world sooner rather than later.
Thank you, thank you dear friend!

We are so happy you are part of our community, @aware007. You bring passion, care and love with your presence. Thankyou for being you.

I am truly honored and humbled dear friend.

In steemit & discord community we get respect & our work is recognized.We get friendship with so many people & care too.

Couldn't agree more! Thank you Gaurang!

yeah so happy to be in a tribe with you Logan, you are so aware and so supportive, we are lucky to have you my friend and I agree wo much with all that you say here about how communities make you thrive, so so love this

. And working within these beautiful tribes has utterly reset my frequency to a level which has afforded me a far higher sense of self worth, of the world being 'right', and of the hearts of the vast majority of humans being truly good and abundant in love.

Only because it's the plain-as-day truth, my dear Aishlinn! And it's folks like yourself that I draw all-new inspiration into my life from. Thank you, and so much love to you and the girls!