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in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)




Let me begin by suggesting to you that, if any one concept within this article is going to stick with you indefinitely, please let it be this:

Your body, WHEN NOT BLOCKED, will heal itself from ANYTHING. Read my lips. ANYTHING. Zero exceptions.

Now let me tell you how to stop the blockage.

I do this work because I care about you. Sincerely. We've been over this before, but I'm going to continue touching on it periodically as it's a very tough sell. Please read this post in its entirety, as it is loaded with information critical to your health and longevity.

And please, please go over the image at the top of this article with a fine tooth comb, particularly if you've never seen it before, for two reasons:

  1. I've found that when displayed within Steemit (or maybe any web page), it gets squeezed to the point of unreadability, so I've painstakingly re-typed all of the fine print to (hopefully) be clear enough to see here.

  2. It's THE REASON you're suffering from every illness, condition, every "-itis" that terrorizes you.



Thank you. It's time for a little tough love now, assuming you can handle it. Hey it is love and you can handle it because it's love. Simple equation!

In this series I put absolute top priority on the human design. God but I love that word.

Our DESIGN. An amazingly wonderful thing. That (top) image illustrates our design, as pertains principally to eating. I don't think one could intelligently argue with its findings. Make no mistake, the saying is utterly true: you are what you eat. And what the vast majority of humanity is eating is SHIT. Shit, in terms of compatibility with our bodies.

Are you ready for this? Can you handle it? Here we go...




Our bodies have NO PROPER mechanism for processing animal flesh. NONE. Meat putrefies while still inside us, it brings the vast bulk of parasites that assault us, it gives us smelly gas and excretions, results in huge amounts of deadly acid within us, and a consequently large volume of mucous which the body manufactures to protect itself from all the deadly acid, followed quickly by system-wide inflammation.

Oh, and that's not all...

"But where will we get our protein?"

This question has been FED to you (pun intended) by the stunningly massive meat INDUSTRY, and the question itself is BULLSHIT. It's as simple as this:

You. Don't. Need. Protein.

Your body doesn't even want protein. Protein isn't even a 'thing', if you take my meaning. It's not a nutrient. It's nothing but a CHAIN of AMINO ACIDS.

"Ah, amino acids, well I know we need those, right? So how do we not need protein?"

We indeed need amino acids, which are procured easily by consumption of fruits and vegetables. What we do not need is to sap the energy we need for healing by daily sending our bodies into hours-long wrestling matches to extract amino acids from protein. Most are consuming protein several times a day, rerouting healing energy to an around-the-clock (nearly) meaningless task.

Get your amino acids from fresh, raw, living, preferably organic fruits (mostly) and vegetables.




Your body naturally started losing its ability to digest your mother's milk somewhere between the ages of 2 and 3. So now, your body could not digest it. If you're old enough to read this, you are lactose intolerant. Exactly as nature intended. You may not feel it yet, but just like gluten (later), your innards are acutely aware of the problems lactose brings, and the problems that are accumulating within your body as result. A time bomb comes to mind...

Let's break it down. Looking at nature's design, picture a baby, still very naturally able to benefit exquisitely from mother's milk. On the same token picture a calf, gaining her crucial sustenance from her mother's milk the same way. At an early point in both their lives, they'll no longer benefit from mother's milk and will be necessarily weaned off, as per nature's way. These two pictures are both natural and precious, and are 100% to the design specifications of their respective species.

I highly doubt you wish to picture yourself, a grown adult, attempting to gain nourishment from the same source you did as a baby. I'll leave it at that. Now let's get really weird. Let's picture you lying on your back with your mouth around the teat of a lactating cow. Now tell me how well that matches up to your design spec. Forgive me, but this point needs such an illustration. You can no longer make any use of your mother's milk, so what the F### are you consuming processed products from the milk of some unrelated species?!? Do you not know that your body wanted nothing to do with cows' products even when you were a baby? Did you know there is dramatically more protein in products from cow's milk than that of a human mother, whose milk has very little? That massive amount of protein is perfectly suited to a calf whose system is designed to make perfect use of it, as it needs to gain hundreds of pounds in weight in it's first couple years. Milk from human mothers has very little protein simply because we don't need it. It's disruptive and damaging to a human. It creates systemic acidosis within us, followed by massive amounts of mucous, followed of course by system-wide inflammation.

Anyone seeing a pattern?




I'll finish the list with carbohydrates for now, since it's the third strike in our evil little triad. I'll start by once again going back to our design. Picture humans, way back in time, little or no technology as yet, no one had yet taught us anything about burning animals over fire and consuming their flesh, so what were we eating? I mean, just like all species, ask yourself what we're equipped to eat, what we were naturally drawn to, and you'll have your answer. Do you see us eating wheat, barley or rye, right out of the field? That's plain silly, and for good reason. Any who may have tried would have been sorely disappointed with the result. Dry, hard, tasteless in the mouth. After swallowing comes Acid indigestion, coupled later with either diarrhea or constipation. No human did that, other than maybe to make good on a bet. There would have been nothing pleasant nor fulfilling in such an experiment.

However fast forward to modern day, and we're eating grains as if they're the saviors of human nutrition. Breads and pastas in more shapes sizes and flavors than you could shake a stick at. All of which turn into acidic, damaging, hot-burning sugars once consumed. And gluten is at the apex of the damage. Ready for another declaration? Here it comes...


Period, get used to it. Just like lactose, you may not feel it yet, but you are. The gluten in grain products is well known (outside of mainstream media of course) for causing microscopic holes in the walls of human intestines (known as 'leaky gut syndrome'), rendering our innards vulnerable to the expansive growth of candida (fungus) through these holes and into parts of our bodies that should never have such exposure. System wide, deadly acidosis my friend. Acid is the main killer, and the vast bulk of humanity is loaded down with it.

Again with the system-wide mucous and associated inflammation. Okay, okay, you've got the pattern now.

So What Do We Do?

Look again at the image at the top, see what the other frugivores are eating, and you're very close. I say "very close" only because vegetables are of limited value, though they certainly will never hurt you, and do contain natural fiber and glucose which are of course beneficial. And nuts, although nutritious, tend to slow the healing process due to their distinct nature. There's a reason they were designed with hard shells, and it wasn't to prompt humans to invent the nutcracker.

What we do, is we re-learn to eat as per our design spec, best done gradually.

We re-learn to eat FRUIT. Quantum physicists, among others, know that all things vibrate at various frequencies. Fruit is of the highest vibrational frequency (which is for another article) of all plant life on the planet, and is uniquely suited to the frugivorous species, which happen to be the most aware species as well. Most of us are not fruitarians (living on fruit by choice), but our design is inarguably frugivore (living on fruit being part and parcel to our design).

"What!? Fruit only??? I doubt I could ever do that."

This is because we've been fooled into many addictions, one of the worst being the one to our 'comfort' foods. I admit, this one really has us pretty well roped in. But although it's one of the toughest habits to kick, those who've done so speak volumes as to the results. Most of us have no concept of how we were designed to feel on a day-to-day basis. Fruitarians speak of virtually limitless energy, complete absence of both physical and emotional pain, strength and vitality they'd never before known. Missing hair growing back, lost functionality of various types returning, you name it.

"So what is it that puts fruit so high above other foods?"

One word: FRUCTOSE.

If you so much as mention 'high fructose corn syrup', it's not funny and I'll slap you.

It's the reason fruit is so highly vibrational, it's the reason that our bodies heal themselves so incredibly well when no other food types are taken in for any considerable length of time. Fruit, along with it's fructose, when used as the only food type for any measurable amount of time, prompts the human body to go into a mode which (for most humans) it never has gone before. It goes into an intensive healing mode. It's prompted to do so because fructose provides it a level of vibrational energy that nothing else you'll ever eat can offer. But remember: it will only do this if there are no other food types being consumed. Consuming anything else stops the process cold.


Do NOT go onto all-fruit all at once. If you choose to explore this, particularly if you've never done so before, do it gradually. And do some homework on it first. Learn what a "healing crisis" is, and how to minimize it. If you jump into all-fruit out of the blue, you will experience a whopper of a healing crisis, and you'll not like it. Healing crises are actually wonderful in that they show proof that the process is working and in progress, but you'll want to avoid any intense healing crisis.

Please research this. I recommend you look up Dr Robert Morse, he has scads of videos all over youtube, and his book is my medical go-to manual. This image is also a link to his Kindle version on Amazon that's only $2.99 USD...


There are lots of others out there these days who have become fruitarians and are publishing about it, but I find Dr Morse's materials to be the most solid, and he's been doing it over 40 years now. He is indeed most fruitarians' go-to guy.

We're told by the mainstream to be very wary of the 'sugar' in fruit. This is no different than all the rest of the bullshit in mainstream media. Fructose is different, entirely. They don't want you to know that. It will not rot your teeth, it will not generate diabetic symptoms, it will not make you hypoglycemic, it will not make you fat.

It will energize, it will invigorate, and it will allow your body, probably for the first time ever, to begin to heal itself, if you learn how to do it effectively and if you stick to it.

You're Probably Not Ready To Do This.

I know, that's okay. It's a complete lifestyle overhaul, and it's asking a lot of anyone. My wife and I are the weirdos at family gatherings, the ones who only visit the salad and fruit table. For most, it's a difficult endeavor. Heck, for most it's difficult to even believe.

Which makes those who run THE SYSTEM smile, maybe even chuckle.

So don't worry about not being ready yet. Just let this be an introduction, maybe tuck it away somewhere in the corner of your mind. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here. I'll share with you all the tips I've learned in my own experience, all the rewards, all the potential pitfalls, along with all my best professional sources. And Dr Morse's materials will still be available in whatever forms they may be, probably all over the internet.

We Can Do This Now, Or We Can Do This Later.

It's never too late to get started...but you will need to do it. That is, assuming that by some time later in life you're not somehow actually enjoying all your pain and suffering, and threats from your allopathic 'medical' INDUSTRY practitioner that you need multiple medications, surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy, etc. And there's much more. There are indeed techniques such as fasting that, when combined with an all-fruit diet are the quickest and most powerful healing methods of all, but these things must be properly learned and carried out only sporadically to avoid potentially dangerous pitfalls. Just as with an all-fruit diet.

Learn more about this, and learn that growing old does NOT mean growing progressively more frail and dependent. That's also so much bullshit. Becoming dependent is not a product of age, it is the product of one single condition: the condition of ACCUMULATED TOXINS, and the internal acids they cause. Period. We are the only species on this planet that becomes dependent for survival for the final, I don't know, 5, 10, 20 years of our lives. This is what we're made to believe, anyway, and it's horse shit.

Show me a human who has transitioned permanently to an all-fruit diet, combined with an occasional fast for cleanup, and I'll show you a sentient being who lives independently until mere days (or even hours) before it's time to 'check out' naturally.

Naturally. Remember what I asked you to remember above all else at the top of this article? When no longer blocked, your body will heal itself from ANYTHING. Well, I've just described how the blockage is removed. Whenever you're ready, that is.

From Hippocrates comes one of my absolute favorite quotes...

"Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He knew what he was talking about, and what he was talking about was fresh, raw, living plant matter, primarily fruit. He knew!

And if you buy into that quote as I do wholeheartedly, then take the time to learn that, for humans, fruit is the most


that exists.

I love you. Hey, I mean that.



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I wish I lived somewhere tropical so I could eat nothing but mangoes and pineapples!!! Mind you I am LOVING strawberries right now... I got a dehydrator for my bday and though Im sure it changes the vibrations it does make for a good way to preserve fruit in season as it can be so expensive. Enjoying a big load of oranges right now that we bought on road trip, right from the orange growers direct. They taste of sunshine and i wish i had bought 5 bags!!!

Haha love it! Keep eating more and more fruit! Stick to your design and thrive!!!

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this is great Logan it really amazes me how people seem to be unable to make the link between their over all health and the food they put in their bodies, why so many treat theirs like trash cans. Keep up the great work my friend xxxx

Will do and thank you, and you as well!!! xxxx