Natural Antibiotics - A shield against infections.steemCreated with Sketch.

Dear friends, we all very well know what antibiotics are! Their use over the decades has increased beyond our imagination. With the help of developing science, pharmaceutical companies are trying their best in discovering different types of antibiotics which work against different types of bacteria and even some parasites, but fail to work against lots of viruses, fungi, and some bacteria.


A doctor's prescription without antibiotics looks incomplete nowadays. Long ago when the pharmaceutical industries were not in hold in the society, people used to turn to natural medicines instead of the synthetic variants present today. You may think antibiotics are part of modern medicine, but actually seeing it all started in 1928 with the discovery of penicillin by Dr. Alexander Fleming. Actually, all antibiotics originated from organic sources, as time passed their efficacy got proved in various diseases and then pharmaceutical companies created their synthetic variations and obtained their patents and thus up to 1940 the use of antibiotics spread widely.

The researchers have found that the abundant increase in prescription antibiotics has to lead to bacterial resistance and some super bacteria which evolve faster than the scientist researching in pharmaceutical companies. Their overuse causes the disturbance in normal gut flora by killing the good bacteria present in the stomach and leading to side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, etc. The use of probiotics along with antibiotics to save the gut flora has been still not proven. Alongside it also lowers the immunity power of the person which cause autoimmune diseases too. There is rightly said by the great Greek physician Hippocrates "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food".


Nowadays, people get sick and turn to synthetic medicines which may or may not work on the strain of the virus, bacteria whatever it may be. This is absolutely wrong, instead, you should start preparing your body in advance to build up a healthy immune system so the consequences can be avoided. Our mother nature has given us the treasure of innumerable potent herbs which we people are unaware but surely function as efficacious natural antibiotics. But do remember these will give us desired medicinal effects by avoiding side effects only when we use it in a proper dose and method.

Our body surely needs detoxifying process as it works 24×7, these natural antibiotics besides treating our everyday infection, also succeed in detoxifying our body. Actually, list of natural medicines is infinite but today we gonna discuss some commonly used in our daily food and easily available herbs which act as natural antibiotics.



Many of our ancestors considered honey as the remedy for every ailment starting with the wound up to various internal infections. Honey truly has antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property making it a complete medicine. The healing power of honey helps your body to defend against various infections and also in detoxifying the body efficiently. For the desired benefits of honey, use raw organic honey which skips the process of pasteurization keeping its potency of killing the bacteria intact. The best way to eat honey to get the benefits of natural antibiotic is eating it along with cinnamon in equal proportion. This mixture helps in building up your immune system.
You can also take it with ginger tea, juices, Indian gooseberry or milkshakes



Onion is the most commonly used herb in our kitchen. It acts as an astringent detoxifying out the body.
Onion contains certain phytochemicals in addition to vitamin c making it improve our immunity. Onion which belongs to the allium family of vegetables not only adds flavor to your diet but it possesses anticancer and antioxidant properties to make it a natural immune protection to us.



Garlic contains a sulfur compound called allicin which mainly aids in killing the harmful bacteria and acting like a guard to our body. Like the onion, garlic belongs to the allium family. It also helps to protect organ damage due to metal toxicities. For its benefit, use it in crushed form or cut it and add to your dishes. You can even have it with oils like olive oil.



The active properties which a ginger rhizome shows are due to phenols and gingerols present in it. Ginger soothes many problems including respiratory problems. It lowers the secretion of mucus and phlegm. It posses anti-cancerous property also. Researchers prove that it has been effective in treating infections caused by E. coli and Salmonella. It also helps in digestive disorders in which there is the improper absorption of food as it lowers the number of pathogens in the gut. You can have ginger tea by adding fresh ginger rhizome, roots or leaf. A decoction can be easily made and be taken along with a spoon of honey. Candied ginger is easy to carry in traveling when usually there is a chance of the gut flora getting disturbed due to change in atmosphere, food, etc.



Turmeric has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties. It not only aids in preventing infections but also acts a great treasure in treating various infections. It is considered to be the strongest of all the antibiotics in Indian medicine AYURVEDA. The mixture of black pepper, raw and organic honey along with turmeric has a great potency to keep one's body from all the infections. It also aids in seasonal allergies. But do keep in mind people suffering from disorders of the gallbladder, do avoid turmeric as it causes gallbladder muscles to contract.



You must have heard your physician recommending you fermented food to be taken along with antibiotics. Fermented food has an enormous amount of good bacteria in your gut, helps to keep the healthy bacterial flora in your gut intact.
This food acts as astringent food which helps to remove toxins from our body and also boosts our immunity. They are loaded with antioxidants which help to keep the oxygen stress level low. Fermented food helps in almost all intestinal diseases.

Note: Please do keep in mind to consult your physician before trying alternative medicines if you are suffering from infections since too long. It will surely compliment you to heal and recover faster. So friends, head towards the natural antibiotics making your immune system stronger and stronger.


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thanks😊 for sharing this great information😍