Breastfeeding With A Little Help From Mother Nature

Greetings fellow Steemians. We are currently in the second week of the @naturalmedicine competition on the impact Natural Medicine has had on your life. If after reading this, you are inspired to share your journey please check out this link:
This photo of my first son was taken around the time he was back to being exclusively breast fed. Note the whale on his vest 😉

In a previous post I mentioned about the struggles of breastfeeding and how I overcame them. One of the ways was what would become my introduction to alternative natural medicine, here is my story below.

Once my son's tongue tie was sorted I began looking for ways to help increase my milk supply and stop supplementing with formula. Around this time my partner was building up our internet business which was centered around sharing useful articles and info about natural cures. As I was helping to write articles for this, I began to realise that there was this whole other world of medicine. A world that didn't rely on chemical concoctions and man made unnatural substances.
One of the things I remember thinking was that there must be a natural way to help boost my milk supply.


So I went on a mission of self study, guided by my determination to give my boy the best and most natural food that he deserved.
Fenugreek was the first thing I tried. It seemed to help a little. Although my body odor was a little strange from taking the supplement. (Unlike @zipporah's maple syrup, mine was more like curry).

I then read in a La Leche League forum that many moms had tried either More Milk Plus, which is a combination alcohol free tincture in capsule form. It comprises of certified organic fenugreek, blessed thistle, nettle leaf and fennel seed.


Combined with these supplements I also altered my diet to include foods such as oats, leafy greens such as spinach and kale. I also included nuts such as walnuts and almonds.

Oats are a fantastic source of iron and have long been associated in aiding breast milk production. There are no conclusive studies but I happily ate a bowl of granola every morning.
Each of the foods are nutrient dense and including them in my diet certainly made a huge difference.
I was quite literally glowing to the point that many people I met asked if I was pregnant again.

Here's a pic of me 'glowing'. Little dude looks rather deep in thought in this picture


My determination to breastfeed my son taught me much. Without this catalyst I may never have taken such a strong interest into natural healing processes. Over the last five years, I have learnt so much. Always seeking out a natural alternative to common ailments. For example, using teatree oil and aloe to heal my sensitive scalp. It is not only a journey of knowledge but a more intimate re-connection with nature. I still have so much to learn but this is something that will come with time and experience.


@naturalmedicine is a brand new Steemit Community bringing together quality posts on the topic of natural healing from lived experiences. Created by @riverflows, @mountainjewel and myself, our ethos is to promote natural healing in the form of plant based medicine, food, Ayurverdic medicine, music, yoga and herbal remedies.

If you would like to know more about this amazing community you can follow us @naturalmedicine. We welcome you to come visit us on Discord.
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Yes that is great
Even narurak medicine has no any side effects

Yes that is great
Even natural medicine has no any side effects

Gorgeous!!!! I love this because I can see your lovely face!!!!

Awwwww haha that was 5 years ago. I'm sure there's more wrinkles now 😂❤❤ thanks beautiful xoxo

We are learning all the time and nature is literally overflowing with so many medicinal trees and plants for us to us. really glad you have discovered the abundance nature provides xx love that photo of you and your little boy xxx

Yea we are and what an incredible journey It is! Thank you time flies that pic was taken 5yrs ago xx ❤❤

Plant medicine is amazing. Herbs out there that help increase milk supply and when a woman needs to decrease it there is a herb for that too!

Yes it's amazing what nature has to offer! 😊

I too have slowly but surely introducing natural medicines to our home, getting rid of the nasty pharmaceutical one at a time. I am so glad that you persevered with your breastfeeding and find something natural to not only help with milk supply, but with your glow too :)

A beautiful natural medicine story that has changed a life, directly - as a person-child who was not breast fed at all and has had many health challenges, I can only say how lucky he is to have you as a mom. It matters.

Natural substances are better and safer. :-)

It’s amazing what the body can accomplish given the right building blocks a.k.a. food!