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RE: Burdock - Abundance of Wild Food, Natural Medicine, Seeds and Fond Memories

Hah! How have I not heard of burdock?! It sounds really similar to comfrey with it's deep roots and healing properties. I'll be ordering some seeds very soon.

Does it do well if allowed to self seed after that second season, or would it be best to harvest the seeds to process and care for them artificially?


Yeah! There are definitely some similarities there with healing leaves and being strong accumulators, resilient!

My personal preference is to harvest the seeds from the wild, or from local farms that have them growing on the margins and don't want it and bring them to my garden to cultivate- or share through the co-op :P

If you let it self seed it most likely would keep coming back, most people don't want burdock self seeding because of the burs being a nuisance.

If you really do want to grow them for seed, yeah I would collect them early and carefully and process them in case you decide later that you don't want a burdock seed bank in your garden or your neighbors!

If it's an edible dynamic accumulator, I want it to grow. Plus, I'm a permie, so I'm lazy af and want it to seed itself.

It sounds like an awesome plant. Are those pictures after year?

Don't say I didn't warn you :P But yeah I like how you are not going to dominate nature ;) The pictures of the leaves were in the summer a few months after planting, the roots were harvested after the end of the first season.

Wow, that's a really prolific plant then. Just the kind of thing I want :)