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RE: 🌿 5 Questions for @mtnwomanmedicine: Inner Cartography, Herbal First Aid Kits, & More 🌿

I was brought to my knees that winter by the sight of the trees, naked in their season - seemingly barren. It echoed how I felt. It was winter until I was able to dig a little deeper and began to see into the Laws of Nature. Nothing ever truly dies. Even those barren trees were merely in their state of deep rest. Its “death” a transformation, serving in yet another way, along a different path.

I am constantly astounded at how nature provides us with the answers or perhaps uncovers the answers we knew all along. Perhaps this came to you because you were truly quiet and listened. I find a kind of hermitage in nature that helps me understand more than i could in company - I crave it!

Nemeton sounds like a magical place, and how lucky you are to have found this spot to grow and nurture others! It's clearly a place you feel a deep sense of belonging to, which can be rare in this time!

Cartography is such a fascinating metaphor for identity & belonging - both physical and emotional and spiritual. I love how we draw our own maps as we discovery ourselves, put gates over old roads to let the plants grow, and find new paths through the wilderness of life, constantly. What interesting work you do.

it's really cool that you came from a paramedic background as well, as it gives you a whole other side and understanding to body systems that must work with what plants provide. It's clear you have put so much work into your understanding of plant science and spirituality and we have sooo much to learn from you. Thankyou soooo much for your generosity - you shared sooo much and truly inspired me - and I hope everyone who reads this! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, you beautiful mountain goddess you!


Awww thanks luv! Tis a pleasure to be invited to share. 🎩

InnerCartography. 😏
So near and dear to my soul. To Find a Path. A Way. It’s sooo important, for the mind, for the body. We Need A Lane. A place we can grow and change in, that we carry INside ourselves. And the plain fact Is, we have been cultured into Not seeking that for ourselves. The Path is laid out from birth. So we have to Choose to make a conscious choice to seek it for ourselves.

I found mine through weaving my way through everything I could find, (often it became a matter of: nope not deep enough, nope not connected enough, to woo woo, requires random belief for it to work.) Until I stumbled upon a concept, Experimentation.

Totally reframed things.

When we step into Life like it is an Experiment. We change the Playing Field. We can change the Variables (behaviors, beliefs, ect) and Proof the results. It does require Surrendering to experiences, to see what the experiment “Proves”

When I was leaving the “City Life” I could FEEL it was right, but my mind was always going in a different direction. I NEEDed a way to navigate MySelf so I could Be in Alignment with what my soul wanted. Human Design Mapping of Mechanics gave me a foundation for physical experimentation. (How to find my deep purrrrry prowls YES, when to not listen to my mind, How to Use my Energy wisely and discerning others using it, and why. How to respect my inner most being both in mind and body. Learning How and What my body needs to be at its peak performance and ultimate thrival. (Thriving!!!! Not just Surviving!).

Gene Keys brought a spiritual understanding of the flow. (For me, how to navigate through Challenges, BreakThroughs, Finding a Core Stability) and a way of understanding HOW to Value one’s Shadow. (Since we can’t be ‘rid of it’, we must somehow love it.)

Emotional Elemental Bridges helped me navigate the waters of emotions. ‘The Wail and the Whine’ so to speak.
It’s a Big Thing to grasp the depth of ones Feels, really be there With the feels. And then DO something with it.

Still a deeep part of my Path.
And now a part too of my offerings!
For those interested I have a Facebook group for InnerCartography and am beginning to develop Learning Modules there. Some folks opt to join me in the group I started after the first online course I ran on this topic. As more offerings develop, those there will have first heads up. 🌀