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RE: Lessons from Mother Ayahuasca. Night 10: I got my aliens!
It’s all electricity.
Check yourself regularly, the temptation is always to go deeper and faster as you learn more and more and more because everything is amazing and that’s how you bite off more than you can chew or develop into a dodgy character (I’m only mildly concerned about the former and not at all about the latter with you so don’t surprise me 🤣)

Posted using Partiko iOS
Ooh, I feel like there's a cautionary tale in there Ry. Tell me!!! And yes, everything IS amazing. Seriously, the ceremonies are only half of it. Most of the stuff I'm doing now is in shamanic journeys and I can just do them whenever.
Cautionary tale? Everything is just common sense XD
Careful where you go and make sure you can come back. Always ask first (unless you're saving a mind or a life in which case ask forgiveness later). Don't be an arsehat.
Nothing earth shattering :D
I can tell you stories if you like once I remember them and figure out if I should share them but that's pretty much all they boil down to XP
It's interesting you say that cos I hear it a lot in the spiritual community: The higher you go, the more you need to ground yourself. This is something I'm constantly mindful of and working on. Thankfully it's a lot easier in shamanic journeying than ayahausca. That's just a whole other level, hence my struggles and need to connect to Mother Earth so much.
Also you can message me your stories. You don't have to be as open as I am and put them on the internet so everyone can deem you crazy, or a "loon" like Boomy said. 😂
No, put them on the block chain, please!!! Xxxx
Posted using Partiko Android