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RE: A Show of Hands....?

Interestingly, this is something I've only just started discovering more about. My daughter has been learning about it and her essays have been on antibiotic resistance, so we've been having conversations on it. I think she'll be interested in reading this.

I was interested to discover that hand sanitisers are also completely ineffective against some viruses (due to a thicker fat coating which protects them, if I reminder correctly). The virus in question in the case I was reading about was influenza A and washing your hands under running water alone is more affective than using an alcohol sanitizer.

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Honestly, I could have written a book about this. Yes, there is so much research out there to show that hand sanitizers are NOT effective and yet we still have Big Pharma and so-called leading hospitals pedaling this stuff. We have not yet BEGUN to understand what we have done to the environment, as we continue to merrily wash these dangerous biocides into our waterways.

I'm glad your daughter is learning about this - just so glad.