Thanks Tiny Predator For Eating My Pesky Buggers!

in #nature7 years ago

Any gardener knows that aphids can be a horrible invasion to any plant. We all have our tricks for getting rid of these pesky annoyances. One of my favorite natural remedies is the cute, tiny predator.....the Ladybug!


They love to eat these things. And I love to let them!

We had been taking our own measures to be rid of the aphids, and then one night a ladybug came to our rescue. Sure this was more than the single guy could handle on his own. However, one thing was for sure.....he was getting his fill. It actually grew into a regular occurrence. Each evening after I came home from work, I would walk out onto the balcony to find one lil guy running around our chives. So since we bought a new camera and I had a generous subject, I decided to play and take pics.

Enjoy these lovely shots taken with our Canon Rebel T6i. Using a macro lens of +4. (Please forgive me as I'm far from a camera professional and am still learning all the settings) All photos are unfiltered and unedited.





Thanks Ladybug! And thank you Steemit folks for taking the time to stop by!


That's a beautiful photo @dragons

Thank you! I really love how the first one turned out. It was truly pure luck.

For us it's aphids and whiteflies - I hate them both! Always good to see a ladybug or two on patrol. Happy Gardening!

Back when we lived in Missouri, we had aphids and vine borers. I think there was another sort of invasive bug we had on a few of our plants. It's a struggle, especially when trying to use natural remedies. But that's a gardeners life right? Luckily so far here in Colorado, we have only dealt with the aphids (which the plant might have already had some when we brought it here) and scales on our bay leaf.

Gardening life for sure :-)

Great macros, they're so crisp. They have kind of a retro NatGeo vibe.

Thank you very much for the compliments and taking time to notice!

I love lady bugs they are good luck and your photos are awesome!!

Thanks! It was quite refreshing to see one on our tiny balcony.

If it is very annoying but it is part of nature that are there and our job is to combat them

I considered releasing some of these when my screened-in hibiscus tree ended up covered in thousands of aphids. Unfortunately, this was an acute situation and I had to go with chemicals.

That sucks you had to go the chemical route. Hopefully those aphids stay away!