Top 10 Most Bizarre Creatures You Won't Believe Actually Exist!

in #nature7 years ago

In This Post we're going to talk about mother nature's most bizarre creations that actually exist.We live in a world where all the continents already discovered but we still missed out on some of the mysterious things that mother nature has given us.All of the planet secrets reveled by the scientist.But guess what nature is truly full of surprises just when you think you've discovered everything instantly restoring you're faith in this impossible world that nobody fully knows about. We've prepared for you one of the most unknown creatures that you haven't probably even heard of.

We will start with our first creature:


The strange solenodon is a mammal found in Cuba. Sort of like an big hedgehog. Too bad the solenodon is one of the creatures who knows how to deal with snakes.When there is fierce battle going on between the two solenodon injects rattlesnake-like venom through its teeth, the only mammal to do so.Easily annoyed, the solenodon bites at the drop of a banana leaf. Still, being both a carrion feeder and insectivore, it is a vital species in its ecosystem. It was thought to be extinct until scientists found a few still alive in 2003. It is in grave danger of extinction.


This is one the rarest creatures that you even going to be found, but one of the strangest parrot in the world that ever going to exist. Imagine a rather portly nocturnal bird that can't fly, this creature is one of the preferred hikers through hilly forest for miles in the night. It is one of the heaviest parrot in the world can you imagine that it's approximate weight is around 8 pounds.New Zealand is place know for rarest birds that exists.There are only 62 kakapos remaining on earth.

Angler Fish

In the deep ocean there are well know facts that mother nature given us incredible natural resources that we rely on in the food chain but one of the things we never know is that we never even discovered all the secrets behind it & angler fish is one of them.This angle fish is bigger size compared to female, male angler fish is 1/20th the size of the female angler fish. The huge, traumatizingly ugly spiny fish that you should stay away from while you will be diving under the ocean with the glowing “fishing rod”That’s the female.The male fish have different appearance compared to female The male is that tiny little blob attached to his horrific goddess that you never noticed. He burrows in with his teeth and she “feeds” him ex-utero style until he eventually loses his eyeballs, then internal organs and finally his life. Anglers are deep-sea fish,so whenever you've found such fish you should stay away from it's threat.

Long-Wattled Umbrellabird

This is the most bizarre bird that you ever going to find, all-black songbird also known as the long-wattled umbrellabird is a certainly surprising jaw-dropper when you've spotted. This bird hunts for lizards and collects fruits, seeds, and palm nuts.This creature know for it's sports a long, feather-covered appendage dangling from its chest, which creates a perfectly rod-shaped form one of the strange form of birds that exists. The “ludicrous” bird looks as if it were mounted on a post.Unfortunately, this endangered bird is becoming rare since it is restricted to a tiny area of Ecuador and Columbia and is increasingly threatened by hunting activities and land use changes.


This one of the most unusual amphibian is blind, lives to 100, and goes ten years at a stretch without food. One of the strange facts about this creature is it lives it's whole life in water which is not common in most amphibians, Another oddity of the olm: its neotenic (larval) gills.It if to be found in subterranean waters of Italy, Croatia and Herzegovenia, where it skeeves out the locals with its strange, human-like skin.

Standard-Winged Nightjar

This bird is named for it's pair of feathers that goes around it's whole body which is not common in most bird that's what makes it very unique amon other birds.The irrationally plumaged standard-winged nightjar is anything but standard in the typical sense of the word. The giant pair of wing feathers is truly an exceptional feature, which can extend for over 35 centimeters (14 in) while in the sky. These giant, stalked feathers are actually longer than the bird’s entire body which makes this bird bizarre on it's own.At first glance, the nightjar in flight looks like a group of three different birds.
The birds put on a rather spectacular group mating display and still manage to fly reasonably well despite the extra baggage. The strange plumage accessories fly in the face of sensible aerodynamics and are therefore moulted out when they are not needed to impress females during the breeding season.


This is another sea creature is probably one of the closely related to elephant.
The dugong is a cousin of the manatee. Unfortunately this creature mostly threatened by poachers who hunt the animal for its meat, oil, skin and bones. It is extremely endangered. Dugong is thought to have ancient myths about mermaids.The dugong is unique in it's own appearance that it has a split very similar to a whale like tail and it will “perch” underwater on its tail in order to keep its head above water.Another underwater sea creature that we don't know actually existed what are you're thoughts on this unknown creature tell us what you think about it have you seen this before.

Blue footed Booby

These are one of the charismatic birds that will sure to catch you're eyes.They can look a bit clumsy but this bird is excellent for flying & swimming as one of it's greatest strengths.But why it's most bizarre because of its funny complicated rituals for mating, one of the ways to attract the females is performing dance with the elements of high stepping, stomping there feet & pointing it's head towards sky raising there beak up in to the air also making sounds that are high pitch whistling which is quite unusual if a female impressed enough she make up with the male by joining the dance. There Blue feet have an actual scientific explanation it indicates it's healthy immune system.

Monito Del Monte

The “little mountain monkey” is have an appearance of a monkey but actual fact of this creature is not a monkey it resides in South America, but rather a marsupial, thought to have arrived from Australia long ago. They are nocturnal and carnivorous, and famous (well, among scientists) for their unusual tail, which can store enough fat to make this little pipsqueak double in size. This allows them to go for long periods without food. It’s tiny – only about 5″ full grown.Sadly, the always-prepared monito del monte is in danger of extinction.

Spring Hare

The bizarre spring hare had taxonomists scratching their heads for years. It’s now classified on its own, and it resembles both a kangaroo and hare. It’s been classified with jerboas (jumping rodents), squirrels and even porcupines.It’s also got a funny resting position that looks a lot like the yoga Dolphin post: it stretches its long hind legs forward and then rests its head and arms directly on the ground.It has specialized short limbs with claws for digging as well as flexible ear flaps that can be used to seal off the ear canal to protect against the elements and debris.


Since I'm truly a nature lover this is one of the best post on how mysterious things can be in mother nature. I believe so many things yet to be discovered & it makes me keep on investigating new things that nobody knows about.