Dear steemians
Untuk mendeteksi seberapa banyak jumlah tumbuhan unik yang belum kita dapatkan, kita tidak akan mampu melakukannya, karena semakin hari semakin banyak muncul berbagai macam tumbuhan dari berbagai daerah yang sama sekali belum pernah kita lihat apalagi mengenal namanya.
To detect how many unique plants we have not got, we will not be able to do it, because more and more emerging various kinds of plants from different regions that we have never seen let alone know his name.

*Dahlan Deurui, seorang aktivis Aceh Utara berfoto didekat buah cannonballs*
Buah-buah pohon langka tersebut boleh jadi ada disekitar kita namun kita tidak mengenalnya, atau sama sekali belum pernah kita temui karena tumbuhan tersebut bukan berasal dari negara kita, namun kemudian dibudidayakan di negara kita sehingga sangat sulit bagi kita untuk mencari tahu namanya sebelum ada yang memberitahukan.
Fruit trees rare maybe there around US, but we do not know him, or at all we never met because these plants not from our country, but then cultivated in our country so it is difficult for US to find out his name before anyone tell.

Before Cannonballs spread to other areas, this fruit is only originated from America, this plant is widely planted in the Churches as decoration. But sometimes it can cause danger, because at any time the big fruit of coconut fruit can fall at any time without any signs, when the head will be fatal and even deadly.

Along with the development of the times, Cannonballs has also spread everywhere Indonesia is no exception, though it can only be found in many places and in general is also widely planted in the yard of the Church. The interest in this tree is not just the fruit that is very different from other plants, but the red flowers are also very beautiful, rare, and bear fruit only on the trunk of the tree at most.
Pat ta kalen boh nyan meseu jinoe di aceh bang? Peu han jeut ta pajoh boh nyan???