Global White Lions Protection Trust- Experience

in #nature4 years ago


Our journey to the sacred land of “Timbavati”, which translates into “the coming down from the heavens to the ground/earth,” in 2019 is a tale much lesser than Linda Tucker’s and her extraordnary work as the keeper of the White Lions. But this experience is one I will take into cosmic memory especially being the first time my eyes had laid contact on a lion (this life time), let alone a white one with blue eyes.

Linda Tucker and Global White Lions Protection Trust is a non-profit Organization protected by the sacred sites committee of the UN.



My blood brother Adam had received intuition to visit the land of the white lions in 2016, and decided to visit Linda and the White Lines in 2017. One synchronistic event lead to another and Linda invited him to stay for the “Lionhearted Leadership Program” where he learned about the “13 laws of the White Lions”

In 2018, We received the synchronistic tickets to one of the most incredible conferences called “Bioneers,” where it was my first time, and my brothers 2nd time meeting with Linda. The conference was laid out across a beautiful green campus, with wonderful vendors and music complementing the atmosphere. Although the over flow speakers were lead across the way in a Hotel conference room.

Linda happened to be speaking in one of the Boujee hotel conference rooms. Another day I’ll never forget, Linda Tucker came walking into this room wearing something of the sort of Wonder Woman (the movie), across her forehead was hanging and a silver of a lion, she approached the podium, moved the microphone out of her way, firmly put her hand down and said “I AM HERE TO SPEAK FOR THE LIONS.”

After she said an invocation to invite the spirit of the Lions into the room was precisely when I inched to the edge of my seat to look around and see if everyone was not only feeling the way I was feeling, but to analyze if people were ready for what was about to happen.

Breath taking, stunningly capturing, and attention grabbing was her presentation, very professionally organized. The confidence, the roar she spoke with seemed to be a direct connection to the Lions. One video she displayed just that, her getting up in the middle of a parliament speech in Congress, walking over to the authority official, looking down on him, pointing at him, and telling him exactly how things are going to be in South Africa around the trophy hunting of African Animals. In those moments I continued to realized a massive amount of her power of divinity.

At the end of her presentation she allowed everyone to come up and pick a card to keep from the White Lion Deck, sort of tarot style that she has made no as a means of guidance and message from the lions themselves. Her only guidelines was “if you pull one of the 13 God cards, I will tell you the significance of it, and you can pull another regular one to keep.” I happened to be fourth in line of a whole room of people, the guy in front of me pulled 2 ‘God Cards’ in a row and got to keep his third card he pulled. As I approached I was feeling an intensity the entire experience, which correlates into me pulling 3 ‘God Cards’ in a row and keeping my 4th card.

She ended her Presentation with an interactive experience. She told everybody to imagine the floor as the continents and oceans, and wherever you’re standing she said to imitate an animal of that region of the world the best we could. Myself being in the ocean, I wiggled myslef everywhere making dolphin kisses.

After An amazing connection between people and their ability to imitate animals ended the entire group held hands to close with a powerful prayer. Right as the circle broke hands, Linda came directly to me and said “how do we get you to Africa?” Before I couldn’t get into deep convo my brother synchronistically approached us and said “Linda You’ve Met My brother,” we both continued to explain that we were already planning to take a group to her land the following April which happened to be the precisely the day that her teacher and mentor, The original Tsonga “Queen of the Lion” passed away 8 years prior.



The Personal Story of Linda Tucker can be found in depth in her book “The Mysteries of the White Lions.” Which describes how she began on this journey of saving the Lions from ‘Canned Hunting.” Which is even worse than ‘Trophy Hunting. She describes her dreams of a lion coming to her repeatedly as some sort of messenger, she then continues to tell of an event in the early 90s when she visited one of her long time friends Safari cabin in South Africa. This event changed her whole life and was the catalyst to her being handed down the reins as the “Queen of the Lions.”She describes this invigorating event in great detail amongst her speeches.

On this particular visit home her and her friends were hearing more vocal activity from the Lions than normal. So the group decided to go check out the situation in their bucky (truck), and low and behold they came across 26 females have a ‘Birthing Ceremony.’ In her book she describes the unthinkable happening, THE BUCKY GOT HIGH CENTERED AND BROKE DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PRIDE. She continues to describe with immense fear that the lions had their rear legs in pouncing position ready to jump into the chaotic truck of frightened screaming people.

Just like a fairy tale, at the breaking moment of surrender, In the distance came walking a tribal woman with 2 children, One walking with her, and one on her back. Linda said this women parted the lions, grabbed a local male out of the Bucky, gave him one of the children and they both walked back through the lions, only to came back with another truck to their rescue.

At the time Linda was working in Europe in fashion and had to return. But she describes that she was still having dreams of a particular lion, and could not stop thinking about the experience of that woman rescuing her and her friends. It took 3 years for her to finally quit her job and return to South Africa on a quest to find the woman who saved them from that traumatic event. After several months of seeking she grew closer and closer and finally met Maria Coxa, a tsongan elder whom Her tribe called her the “Queen of the Lions.” Maria‘s first words to Linda were “What took you so long, we have work to do.”



The ancient African wisdom, especially from an elder named Credo Mutwa, speaks of an orb of light landing (not sure how long Aho), at the precise place of Timbavati- Which translates into “the coming down from the heavens to the ground/earth,” The story speaks of a sick grandmother approaching this orb with 2 of her students, The grandmother appeared to already be feeling better after approaching the orb, she then turned back to her students and told them that she has to go with ball of light. The legend has it that the landing of this orb radiated this area and all animals of the area started giving birth to white offspring.


Lions couldn’t have achieved their apex leadership role without eachother.
Linda explains that these lions are reincarnated pharaohs, gurus, babas, and masters here to serve a purpose that a human vessel would have only distracted their purpose in returning. Even still today Science cannot figure out how their DNA has advanced the way it has. In the book the “13 Laws of the White Lions” the lions have communicated to Linda that they have come back as humanity ‘final warning’ or ‘final roar’ but they also have the “peace plan,” that has never left earth. These laws are the same ones nature is governed under, and are the same principles that yeshua (Jesus) was traveling teaching.

Each Lion apparently chooses their own names, and are usually named after star systems, or ancient do you have some sort of metaphysical God reference. Each lion has a story of why they are here and what their connection to eachother is, Linda speaks in depth on this subject in her books “Mysteries of the White Lions,” and “The 13 Laws of the White Lions.”



An apprehension and intensity arose in me I could not bare, like a child at Disney world when I arrived at White Lion Territory.

The land is several hundred acres of gated wildness, hence the “protection” part. The land is big enough that the Lions do have to hunt, although they are contained when they bring in new game so that they have a chance to find shelter.

Each morning there is a daily routine of patrolling in the morning and in the evening since the lions have radio collars, they can be detected within certain parameters, again for the protection part. I know, It’s not ideal as a nature/ animal preservation enthusiasts, but given the circumstances, the atrocities around trophy hunting this is how the lions have to be protected for now.

On our first patrol the next morning we set out before the sun rose, our guide Ruben a local man from who works for Linda and the Lions, who happens to have a smile that could instantly fill anyone with joy. Rueben happily loaded us all up in the bucky and headed south bound till we got to the perimeter, as we turned to the east and rode the fence the radio started beeping faster and faster signifying the Lions were in close vicinity. With out any ability to react we had drove right up on 2 brothers, Regeus and Letaba that we’re laying down. It was so sudden that we spooked them and the bucky came to a shocking halt as they both popped their heads up. None of us even moved a finger nor looked back at them. Because If you know anything about Lion etiquette, then you know that it is very wise to not look Lions in their eyes or turn your back on them. After the Lions focus was no longer on us which seemed to be an eternity, We slowly creeped off, only to turn around and come back and face them with the engine turned off.

*What I witnessed next between these two brothers Regeus (sun king) and Letaba (first ray of sunshine) Will forever be burned into my memory. Not only was this my first time seeing a Lion, but it was my first time seeing a white ones with blue eyes. Just imagine these 2 full gown lions with extra busy mains laying down next to each other cuddling, playing, licking each other and loving each other in a way that I personally had never seen, a type of unconditional love that even humans are still learning, let alone animals. The type that warms your internal smile so bright that tears of appreciation are gifts to the earth.

My brother and I were in the same vehicle witnessing the same love out in the wild of nature, was an unspeakable truth both of us directly felt.

They displayed some thing exactly what Linda talks about ‘closing the gap between boundaries.’ In particularly the gaps between gender and in this case Love between brothers.

These magnificent beings can be so soft, gentle, and nurturing; but in that same softness as I directly experienced is the same amount of this opposite emotion, faster than one could react they showed us their ability to display sheer force and power. What I experienced was a reverberating strength that emanated from their growl that was very new to me, it was as if it was coming directly from the belly of the sun, if you feel courageous enough to imagine that.


This particular day only a few meters outside of camp the pride was hanging out right in the middle of the dirt road. We cautiously approached at an angel and turned the engine off. A short distance away behind A tree all we could hear for a few minutes was Lion jaws snapping and breaking bones from their breakfast that morning, a sound that will forever be imprinted in my consciousness, as it seemed to echo through the trees.

Not long after, Cleopatra, a fierce queen took her territory directly parallel to us about 13 ft in front of us, soonone of the males, Mandla (power) was casually walking towards Cleo and us, again before we could react, both of them were on their hine legs swiping at each other within a microsecond, it was already over before we could analyze any emotion. What I experienced in those moments of the rise and fall of such immense power within microseconds, which can be seen as symbolic in all of life.

These sacred sacred lions reminded our entire group of the importance of nurturance, of pride, to live proud, to take care of eachother, and to live in group harmony again.

The Lions themselves are also evolving the way they live in their kingdom. For instance the ‘Lion and the Lamb’ Prophecy foretold of day that the Lion and the Lamb would respect each other, that the lion would no longer prey on the bottom of the food chain. That day has already been photographed. Symbolizing that the gaps between life would become closer and closer, more harmonious with itself and not need to take more than they need.



You see the issue is that ecosystems, these actual living systems that humans, animals, plants, and insects are apart of are being jeopardized at the cost of lazy resource management, tourism, and over- hunting etc. Lions, as apex predator, have a critical role in maintaining balance and health for the entire ecosystem. “The Apex animal of an entire ecosystem keeps the entire balance all the way down through the prey species, plants, water, and soil. If they go extinct in the wild, ecosystems will collapse, and consequently human systems will also collapse.” This is called “trophic cascading.” Since the lions have been thriving on their natural habitat, much like the wolf’s of Yellowstone National Park, already the lions have been bringing back noticeable resource back to their environment.

The idea is if ecosystems continue to collapse, eventually our human ecosystem will too since we are all apart of the greater planetary ecosystem.

“The Global White Lion Protection Trust has been implementing Scientific re-introduction program of White Lions back to their natural pridelands, And has created a protected area of 4400 acres to ensure their survival.”

Factually the animal, plant, mineral and elemental kingdoms are demanding us now more than ever to be recognized and respected.



Linda Has introduced her youth education Programs (WLT) based off of the ‘13 Laws of the White Lions into over 20 communities. Her programs aim to Harness the Ideal cultural symbol to reignite the principles of self-actualization, leadership, purpose, and cultural identity, participation, and LionHearted values. Linda is working with the youth to foster clear awareness and concern about, economic, social, heritage, political and ecological, interdependence. Cultural expression and motivational principles of unity are the foundation of education and is no longer survival but ‘thrival’

More info at


  1. ORIGINATION- Follow your Paw-print
  2. APPRECIATION- Celebrate your Nature
  3. COMMUNICATION- Share the Roar
  4. NURTURANCE- Encourage Fresh Growth
  5. RADIANCE- Protect the LionHeart
  6. REGENERATION- Serve Mother Earth
  7. COLLABORATION- Find your Pride
  8. AUTHENTICATION- Gain full Responsibility
  9. CO-CREATION- Live your Dream
  10. GOVERNANCE- Steward your Resources
  11. LIBERATION- Uncage your Gifts
  12. ASPIRATION- Rediscover the Stars
  13. ELIMINATION- Cleanse your Kingdom



Currently we are working with Linda to disclose a document called the “Indigenous Governance Charter” that is working to decentralize private corporations and distribute resources equally among huemans. The document is an attempt to give back leadership to original people native to this particular lands.

People may also make a roar collectively to take a stand together at