Sharing the love... because thats how I roll, well walk actually!

in #nature8 years ago

Dont take walking for granted! I know I don't. I have seen so many beautiful places and views because of my humble feet. Man has even evolved for this purpose!
Walking is good for your general health and also your mental health and over the years I have come to rely on my walks for some down time, exercise, serenity and well just to see the Earth because it is what I love the greatest. And mostly, it just makes me feel better about the shit storm that I sometimes find following me in my life!
So I figured, maybe other peoples lives might not always be great either and that others might not be able to go for a walk, or want to go for a walk or have access to the stunning beauty I have in my local area and while I was walking, I thought that I feel selfish to have all this for my eyes only, so I took some photos and decided to share the love.
Because that's what I admire the most about this forum, the sharing!

So join me on my walk.....

...past the baby redwoods (planted by the original pioneers of the area)

....over towards the ducks!

....who have a very hard and stressful life!

....walk around one of my favourite trees, that has grown into the best natural chair you can find! My photography skills dont do it justice. But hey, Im here for the walk!

...and then past the token family picnic area, which is actually very pretty!

...find the awesome suspension bridge....

...and cross it for more beautiful river scenery.

.... goodbye grumpy mood

Hello happiness! Thanks Earth you're 1 in a zillion and I love you for it!

Please note. There is no actual mathematical formula used for the 1 in a zillion guesstimation. It is for entertainment purposes only!

I hope this has made your day brighter because it always does for me!