The Mineral, Uraninite - A Uranium Ore and more on the Radioactive metal

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

The metal uranium , once in a while on the study on radioactivity it pops up, in the movies too when we about to witness a bomb in action, where did this disastrous metal come from, today I will be introducing its main ore which goes by the name Uraninite , this ore have seen to the production of uranium, a way nature hands us the metal uranium.

Wiki commons:Uraninite Mineral, Attribution; Rob Lavinsky, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Another name given to this ore is "pitchblend", it has gone a long way in the advancement on studies concerning radioactivity as not is it only a good source of uranium (which have been used for many human application) , it is also a minute source of radium which have seen so many uses even in the production of the gas radon which have been used for many positive applications.

On the discovery of this ore, it is processed and treated which is followed by the extraction of uranium mostly by the chemical leaching process but where do Uraninite exist and and how will you recognise one if you happen to come across it someday, would you like to know?

Recognizing This Mineral

Lets say we want to go on a scout for this metal, how can we get to know we got Uraninite when we see one, what characteristics or traits can help in the discovery of this metal, and most importantly, where would we begin our search.

First things first,with respect to physical appearance, we are talking about a mineral which colour ranges from grey to black and they may sometimes me occure in a brownish or greenish colour, to truly discover and confirm the existence of this ore, we will need a radioactive dectector, this works like a scanner and since uranite is a radioactive metal, we will have a signal from this instrument telling us we got a radioactive metal in play, another important thing to know about uranite which will help notice it is the fact that its oxidation products appear yellow from weathering,

What about shape?

The Uraninite shape is of a crystal form, this crystal form is normall in a cubic shape or an octahedral shape and can also occur in granular form incoprated in other minerals , though to locate this mineral is rear but they are known to be mostly found in sedimentary rocks, they can also occure in sandstones, breccia and conglomerates.

I will like to see an ore someday, where has it been discovered?

Some countries which have been known over the years for the deposite of the mineral Uraninite are Germany, England, Canada , the democratic republic of congo , United States, South Africa, Rwanda, Hungary, Australia, Czech Republic and Austria, I came across that one of the biggest mine of this ore is located in The Democratic Republic Of Congo, in fact it was the supply for the United States during the Cold war.

So you want to notice Uraninite , look out for its crystal structure and shape, its colour and with the use of a radioactive detector, confirm its radioactive property. Just like earlier stated, Uraninite is a major source for uranium which have achieved so much being used by man, how about we get to know about uranium and how it has been a metal sort for to the core.

Uranium - A Metal Known For Destruction

Who loves a good movie ? , I bet the mention of the term "uranium" brings that thrill, (things are going to go blasting ) that’s because the use of this metal have achieved much in the creation of atomic bombs which are quite destructive, you can't begin to imagine.

According to our periodic table, the element uranium fall in the atomic number 92, and you can pick it off with the symbol U, just like I metioned earlier, its main existence in nature is in the mineral Uraniute as it was discovered by the man Martin Klaproth which followed by naming this element after the planet uranium.

Though having the mineral uraninite as its major occurance, uranium can also be found in low level in our environment.

I will say, "get over it" since the uranium in our natural environment is in its lower level and such have no significant effect to our health nor can be gathered as such to make a bomb

Uranium occurance in the environment can be in plant, animal, the soil, and even the water around us.

Uranium have gone forward to be used by man for so many accomplishment both on the good and the not so good part of life, I know you would like a hint of how this metal have made an advanvancement in the lights of atomic bombs, lets see uranium in the creation of nuclear weapons. Before we dive into that I will like to state that uranium can exist naturally in three different isotopes which are U-238 (Uranium 238), U-234 and U-235 other artificial isotopes are U-236 U-233 and U-232, these artificial isotopes can be created by transmutation of uranium in nuclear reactors.

Now am on the clear mentioning its isotope lets get to the concept of Nuclear bomb

The Concept Of The Nuclear Bomb

Uranium have played a great role in the creation of nuclear weapons, a very good example is the bomb named Little Boy which was produced by the United States during the Second World war, the Little Boy which had a uranium core was dropped on the city of japan "Hiroshima" bringing with it a destruction of fire claiming the lives of so many on its impact but how can such a metal be capable of bringing such an ordeal with it? Nuclear Fission.

According to Wikipedia...

Nuclear fission is either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei). The fission process often produces free neutrons and gamma photons, and releases a very large amount of energy even by the energetic standards of radioactive decay [Source]

In the case of an atomic bomb, a neutron is made to strike the nucleus of the element thus spliting it into small fragments and on that situation realising quite an amount of energy in the process, but that’s not the end of the reaction.

The reaction continues with the smaller produced fragments of neutrons going further to strike other nuclei on its way and on that note, the reaction continues releasing the energy as goes, this process is known as a chain reaction and that explains an explosion, In the case of uranium, scientist discovered that one of its isotope, the U-235 undergo this process of fision more readily, hence Uranium was the ideal metal for the "Little boy".

So the concept of an atomic bomb souly rests on the ability of a fissionable material present to be able to undergo a chain reaction of fission, this is measured by the term known as the critical mass present, it is said to be the amount of fissionable material present at which on average can cause another fission process after the first event, therefore for a bomb event, enough U-235 is needed to ensure the chain reaction, another metal ideal for this is Plotonium-239.

On this note, country leaders should regulate the amout of uranium which fall into the hand of anyone as acquiring a large amount of this can put a community in danger when in the wrong hands.

Other Applications Of Uranium

Have since been on the negative of this metal, now to a little of the positive sees the use of uranium to have spaned through being used in the power sector as a fuel to generate energy, in this process, U-235 have also payed a great role, uranium have also seen usage in the glass industry in the creation of yellow glass.

It was discovered by Marie Curie that radium exist in isolation in uranium ore which have seen the mining of uranium for radium to be used in the creation of glow in dark paints for aircraft dials and clock and other important uses of radium.

Uranium have also seen usage in the creation of tiles for kitchens and bathroom which can be of different colours, since this radioactive metal is known for its long half-life , it has made a suitable metal for the estimation of radiometric dating estimating the age of ignous rocks, lead and other metals, they can also be used to create X-rays of high energy.

Uranium And Health

I had learned that when you see an enriched uranium radiation, take the quickest route at your heels, due to fact that an ionizing radiation can cause damage to cells at its core, killing them or rendering them abnormal.

What's it with getting exposed to enriched Uranium?

Like I explained above, uranium do not exist only in an isolated mineral like uraninite but we can also find a certain amount of this in the environment, contained in the air we breath, water, and even our food, however the uranium concentration in these areas are quite minimal so don’t get all scary, you can ignore that as it might not cause any harmful effect but what of a situation of being exposed to high uranium concentration,

And that’s where the health ordeal comes in.

An exposure to large amount of uranium can cause quite an adverse effect to the health, this is a radioactiove substance and though its natural level might not harmful to the health, being exposed or taking in much of this in any form can be bad to the health many abnormalities of which includes causing a kidney disease, also explained was the theory that being exposed to a radioactive decay of uranium which span for a long period forming uranium radionuclides can increase ones chances of getting cancer. With regards to uranium effect to the reproductive system, it's effect is currently unknown.

So I will now be the one to say you should take to your heels on any sign of exposure to enriched uranium, this can come In accordance with living near a mine or a near a dump for harzadous waste, chances of being exposed is also increased by working in a phosphate industry , eating crops grown on a uranium enriched soil, or taking a drink from water which pass through a uranium disposal point.

The advice also goes to artists who use uranium glazers for glass work, this act has long been banned but still being used by some, an exposure is closeby knocking on the door.

Bringing It All Together.

Would you say the mineral Uraninite was a good gift from nature, anyway I know many would say a No considering the man made disaster uranium have been used to achieve, even in on going creation of advanced nuclear weapons but aside it's usage in the advancement of bombs, uranium have seen so many positive usage and I still belive we still have more positive things to achieve with this metal aside from destroying ourselves so allow me to say that am on the positive with this one.

little boy
Flickr By Rich Bowen: A view of the Little Boy bomb of Hiroshima

A critical amount of uranium is needed to ensure the creation of a bomb, though countries around the world are fighting to possess this metal for some power aim, terrorist groups also trying to get their hands on this to put communities in terror, it's important that regulations should be strong on who possess Uranium so to ensure the safety of humans, the Hiroshima bombing can tell the destruction power of this metal.

Enriched uranium exposure have been seen to have negative impact to the health of anyone exposed, hence it's eminent to stay clear of any form of situation which might cause an exposure, are you working with uranium or any form of radioactive metal, I know for sure that there are some Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) which are assigned for some delicate activities working in such conditions, like i will always say, safety comes first so try to always stay safe using the necessary equipments while working.

For me...

I will stay far a away from an enriched uranium of any form, quote me, I will run at my heel at its presence, do you call that fear?, I call that staying safe and that's what's important

Missed articles on the minerals silver and gold, here is a link to catch up.

The Mineral "Silver"

The Mineral Gold

References And Further Readings

Science Of Bombs


Uranium wiki

Uraninite Wiki

Uranium And Health

Uranium And Its Isotopes


Great article @logic42, It's unfortunate how we have made use of this metal mostly on the negative, though it's kind of an advancement in the Science of weapons but I think it's usage should be focused more on the positive and just like you said we are yet to discover more of its use.

I liked how you flowed in your article, nice work.

Am glad you enjoyed the piece @blue-ray, rather than the Science of Bombs with this metal, we should focus on how it can be used to make our world better.

Thanks for stopping by :)