Hunting wild Asparagus ( walk with me)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nature8 years ago

So today I am going to pick some fresh wild Asparagus in a nearby forest, I have been doing this since I was a child and there is something very therapeutical about going into the woods and finding these green wonders of nature. 

These Asparagus are organic and free when compared to the expensive tasteless mimics that you can buy in the supermarket.

Asparagus has many health benefits amongst those its traits as an anti-depressant, its many nutrients and vitamins, diuretic properties, some even consider it nature's version of Viagra ( I can tell you from my experience that it does increase your apetite for sex ), It helps to contain and destroy cancer cells, it is also loaded with antioxidants. while cleaning your kidneys it helps to expell many inpurities that are stored in the body.

So off we go into the woods to see if there are many this year, it has rained quite a bit more than in the last couple winters so Im hoping that it will be full. 

Normally the early bird gets the worm and often you can see older people walking around at 6am getting the fattest juiciest ones, some people go as far as to sell them but I only pick what I need and eat what I pick.

Bingo! First Asparagus of the year its not a prize winner by any means.

As it appeared the forest was quite full of newly grown Asparagus, fantastic news for me !

So I found el Capitano, one very fat and juicy one, always feel them first with your fingers, if they are soft they are good to eat, if they are hard its best to leave them intact. When picking Asparagus always leave about half the steem so the plant can continue to grow.

Make sure to wear good shoes, the forest floor is normally quite wet in the mornings and full of thorns and other unfriendly things you would rather not step on,

Many years ago this forest was quite full of large hills these have been cut into pieces over the centuries to build the old style houses that are still to be found all over Mallorca.

So It was a quick Session of picking but I have to take my kid to his Soccer game in an hour. Hopefully you can join me next time and walk with me again. 

Here are the Asparagus I picked, if you are the first to guess the correct number I will reward you with the same number of Steem. Have a nice weekend Steemit!


Thats awesome, im so honoured to make the pick!

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I'll guess 27. Sounds like a nice annual outing.

Its amazing, later I will cook them and maybe cook again. I will probably go 4 or 5 times a week until they stop sprouting. Thanks for your comment @boxcarblue

I would love to pick wild asparagus, you are a very fortunate man. Enjoy!!

Its very relaxing, an hour of this beats any medications, therapy, yoga or anything like that. Make sure to come to Mallorca one day and we can pick them together.

I can believe that, it sounds absolutely heavenly. Thank you!

35 is my guess. It's interesting that your European asparagus is thin. In North America, our wild asparagus is like our garden asparagus -- fat! it gets think only after the plant has been harvested several times. When the shoots get the thickness of a pencil, that's when we stop harvesting -- and leave those thin stalks to grow and replenish the plant for next spring.

Do you mark the area where you harvest? Or do you just know that area from using for a few years? I think it's easiest to make a note of the asparagus patches in the fall, when the fronds turn bright yellow.

Enjoy your asparagus -- it looks like you will have a great spring of good eating!

Yes, we have been picking in the same places for years. We know plenty of places to get more, there are also several sub varieties so you can travel to diferent locations and choose which type. They are quite easy to spot for a well seasoned picker like myself We also have some thick Asparagus planted in the garden but it doesnt produce more than 3 or 4 a year.

Those are some great asparagus-foraging tips, right there! Here's to lots of springtime asparagus for all the foragers out there! :D

What good asparagus! I have to go find them ...

If you come to Mallorca, I would gladly show you how and where. In my home town there will be 3 local bars that accept steem as well so good reason to visit :)

I visited Mallorca years ago ... beautiful island! I would go back ... now there are all the almond trees in bloom .. right?

This is my almond tree I took the picture for you @sardrt

Thanks a lot!

I guess 42, nice post, did not know that they also grow in the wild. (Never gave it a thought)

Make sure to find out if any grow near you, Of course there are a thousand varities of diferent Asparagus. I find that as I get older it just get to be more and more fun. At first you need to train your eyes to see them but once you get the hang of it you love it.

Thousand of varities, really! :-) My grandfather had one plant in his garden that was also an asparagus and it grew there every year, We never eaten it :-)

Wow that is so cool.
I guess every fruit or vegetables had to come from a natural source at some time but never though of picking wild asparagus.
Oh BTw I think there's 32 shoots.

Good guess, Im gonna cook them later cant wait.

I like to blanch them in boiling salty water then throw then on a hot BBQ after cooking the meat. A squeeze of lemon 🍋 to serve.

Me I use olive oil, garlic a bit of salt and a hot pan. Sometimes I also make an omelett out of it but its much beter the first way.

I'm guessing 37. I love asparagus! I didn't know it had so many benefits. I just know it tastes amazing.

Close, good guess. Its very good for youbut it has a couple drawbacks. If its fresh it will make your urine smell very strong. Also some people have alergies to Asparagus and if you eat too much of it you can acumulate purine in your body.

Yeah, I always get "asparagus pee" after eating it. It's disgusting.

:) The @hilarsky youtube video special!