A most unusual Christmas gift!!

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

One of my Christmas gifts came in a beautifully wrapped large, light weight box, and even after opening it I had no idea what it was!




It was pretty obvious how to assemble it, but I still didn't have a clue what it was used for!


At this point Marianne was not taking any credit for the gift, saying

'This one is all Matt'.


Ah! They know I love plants and flowers.

Is it a planter?


And then, in the bottom of the box!


And Marianne proclaims

'You are the only person we know who we could give worms to for Christmas, and they would be excited about it!'

It took a couple days for the worms to arrive.The mailman brought them to the door, instead of leaving them out in the mail box, but it was so bitter cold outside that I was worried they would have frozen to death.



The bag contained peat moss and a frozen glob of worms. Nothing moved. I misted them with water as instructed, but I was pretty sure they had not survived the trip.


They came with a guarantee, and instructions to wait 24-48 hours for them to recover from their journey through the mail.. I kept checking, and it wasn't until a full 24 hours later, when I opened the lid that I saw wiggling!


My plants and I are quite excited!! We will see how well I do with feeding my new pets!

chart from Home and Garden America

This is the description in the Uncommon Goods catalog.
Living Composter

Gardener's Gold
The happiest, healthiest plants ever—that'll be the end result of feeding food scraps to the worms in this sculptural compost container. Most worm farms look, if we're being polite, "functional." And most compost containers, in tactful terms, do not smell like roses. This one, cool-looking and odorless, raises the bar on both counts. The designers of this biomorphic worm house collected data for almost two years, then created an algorithm to figure out the best shape for both worm health and human convenience.

Drop fruit and vegetable peelings, grain foods, and tea bags into a top opening. The worms-in-residence will eat at least half of their own weight of scraps per day. The composter can "process" over two pounds of food a week, enough to keep up with most or all of the scraps in a two- or three-person household. Spread the easily removed compost next to your plants or in pots, and watch those babies grow.

Worm "castings" (a fancy word for the worm equivalent of manure) are the best natural fertilizer there is. They're packed with water-soluble plant nutrients, beneficial enzymes and microbes, and improves soil's ability to hold moisture. So potent is vermicompost that as little as a tablespoon could feed a 6" potted plant for over two months. Worms not included. Made in Taiwan.




That's so cool, Melinda! An ecologic present, couldn't be better. One day I'll have one! Good luck with your new pets! Cheers!

Pretty fun gift!

My older brother (I was about 7 or 8) thought he'd make $ selling
Earthworms for fish bait. He constructed a bed of dirt, in a wooden
Enclosure, about 18" deep x 8' X 10'...all raised about 24" off the ground it was quite productive for
The worms, not so much for him to make $ money. After one
Season he abandoned the worm bed, it quickly rotted and
Fell through.
That spot in our backyard remained the most fertile spot for
Years. If I had a yard, or even more space to keep my plants here
With me, rather than at a friends house, I'd love one of these
'Mini-worm farms'
Great post @melinda010100, you got my full upvote for this one.

Thanks my friend! Last year for Christmas Matt's brother got Jim an aquarium. The fish are thriving...So I have two fish and now pet worms. Your brother would see a theme of sorts here! Thanks for the big vote!

What a great present. The gift that keeps on giving and solves a problem or two in the process.
Why not make a video of your own experience with it for Dtube? That would be interesting too.

I need to get a tripod for my phone..That would make videos so much simpler!

That's a great gift! I'd love to get worms for Christmas. Haha!

A girl after my own heart! No wonder I like you so much!!

I'm super interested in this set-up. It looks like it won't take up a lot of space. Keep us updated on how it goes. Love to you!

you have lovely friends. I still remember the lovely christmas card (envelope!) you received

My beautiful gift from fellow Steemian @barbara-orenya I do have wonderful friends!! Lovely card/envelope

Did you already name them?

Lol... Then you can move on to Slinky 2, slimy 2, wiggly 2.... Slinky 3, slimy 3, wiggly 3.... hahaha...

I may have to make different colored hats for each of them so that I can tell them apart!

ohhh i would nooot have guessed that in a million years, beeest gift ever ! sooooo cool ♡♡♡♡♡

Isn't it fun? I hope they like living at my house!!

Its soo funny and a great gift, you got a packidge deal ha ha :D💖💖💖 Il bet they will 💖

Wow, that is actually a really cool gift! Not something I would have ever guessed but very cool indeed!!

That's so cool, Melinda!, couldn't be better...regards

Isn't it a fun gift?