
It's a topic too broad to discuss in the comments section, but let's just concentrate on one aspect of Al Gore's own role in this scam...

Here is a now removed article from Forbes which details his role in the carbon credit scam part of it...

He has great interest to promote his own agenda while using his "do as I say, not as I do" approach. When he promoted his last movie he used private jets and ran up some of the largest electricity bills in his state for his home. Only recently, has he tried to "clean up his act."

This agenda has much deeper and sinister motives than simply profit margins, but I would encourage you to look into it yourself. Keep an open mind, and hopefully it will lead to other things.

We should invest in solar and other renewable energies, however I question the obvious motives behind the "stories." We've been lied to about "Peak Oil" in a similar manner.

The biggest issue is to not trust the media (or alternative media) on this subject, nor any other, as they should not have benefit of the doubt. Question everything, trust only yourself, and watch out for confirmation bias.

If you plan to profit from this agenda, then that's great, but most of us will not get anything from this scam.

Thanks! Believe me... I'm very open minded. Sometimes a little bit too much. I fed my brain with every conspiracy theory and all the "dark sides of humanity" you could think of and of course I heard about gore's devious motives and as I said... I don't like him. (Edited the text a bit) But I think at least his documentaries raise awareness of a truly serious topic, no matter what motives he has and how he himself acts "behind the scenes".

I know there are many skeptics regarding climate change, especially man made climate change. But as far as I can tell, it's a real issue and at least we're not making it any better.

In terms of media... I have to say there definitely is some good alternative media but also much bullshit. I trust only my mom, my best friend and the blockchain. xD No srsly... the most time since I'm out of school I spent being suspicious of any spoken or written word and I always double checked everything, always afraid of trusting someones or especially the medias lies. But I got a lot more relaxed over the years. I decided that it's not worth to live a life being always in this state of mind. I know that I'm lied to... big time. And I stumbled upon many truths, shocking truths. But today I'm no missionary anymore. I just watch planet earth's freak show and also focused more on the good things and I try to do my best to be a nice person and inspire people to do the same.