Dusk is Always Special Thought Always Repeats [4]
I took this photo just before the sun was almost completely submerged in the western horizon, at about 6:45 pm. During the day, the sunlight was quite clear, so that by the time the sun was almost set, the sky became reddish. Because I really like the sunset, and really love to make it then share it with the form of poetry, that's how I enjoy the sunset.
"When the sun sets its appearance, its beauty, its grace.
At that moment some people feel confused, confused to be sad or happy.
Yes, happy to see the beautiful sunset that day. and sad that his adventures of the day should be finished because the day will be dark.
Not only humans feel that. The sun is the same, he is sad to have to go to other parts of the world because his job has been completed.
But the sun also smiles, because he feels that everything must be accomplished with a smile, he also feels that if he smiles then other people also smile to see it, like infectious but happy."