The weather is nice and cool today
You must appreciate the weather rainy or sunny.
These photo reflects the positive vibe i got on this day. It 6am in the morning while i am drinking coffee, at the same time it is a relaxation or chill time i guess coz i already submit my thesis proposal.
Everything is fine i smoke a little nug for a morning glory. When im hanging on my hammock it feels strange or im just stoned but no! Haha i feel the nature called me to capture this photo.
So please appreciate :)
Well that's all im just sharing the positive vibe with this photo.
Thankyouuuuu and please support!
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Tree of life coconut trees :)
Wow amazing photo.. perfect picture for painting.😀
I know you can do it @caydenshan
wow :)
We have that tall coconut tree too but that capture was amazing.and that photography was awesome..
Beautiful picture @nastylenard420.