To be or not to be a vegetarian - this is the question! A moral dilemma on becoming a vegan or eating meat

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

There is no middle way. Being vegetarian is a lie, it is a hypocritical way of saying that we care about the animals. I also got a small rooster and thinking and thinking what to do with it - should i become vegan or should i start eating animals once again?

impossible to be a vegetarian.jpg

I am a vegetarian for 8 years now and recently, I realized that it is not at all a rational choice! I tried to fool myself by saying that by not eating meat and not supporting the meat industry, I am doing the animals a favor. I care about their suffering and I refuse to be part of this game.

6 years I was a strict vegetarian and then I started eating Fish. Which is another hypocrisy - saying to myself that I would rather eat Fish then Earth Animals, because the fish doesn't have any feelings (there is a nirvana song about this, it must have get stuck into my mind from childhood).


Anyway, the Evrika moment was one day this summer when my Granny that grows animals cut a lovely chicken for our visit as a celebration table. I refused to eat it saying that I don't agree with the suffering of this animal. And my parents cooked me some Salmon Fish. You know, the Salmon Fish that comes from 4000 away! From the polluted seas, that is treated with lots of chemicals to grow. The Salmon Fish that was frozen for months before reaching my table. The Salmon Fish that came in a plastic wrap!


In my mental world, before it would have been consciously accepted to eat the Plastic From Far Away Chemical Fish rather then easting the Love Grown Free Range Chicken from Granny .

So here it started everything - my questions regarding vegetarianism. Now I am subscribed to the Vegan Newsletters and I receive all this messages about "the truth behind out plate". The truth which I didn't want to look at because it felt comfortable to eat cheese.

There is no middle way. If you care about the animals - either vegan. either meat eater! I will quickly compare the two options through my irrational, but loving filter that tries to make peace with myself.


1. is it better to eat Vegan Food that travels 5000 km wrapped in plastic (this expensive quinoua, chia seeds, chlorella) or eat local food (the neighbors animals !)

2. Is it normal to take all this B12 supplements? ( Rather then eating 1 egg!?)

3. Is it better to eat all this Tofu, Soy Products? (mostly the soy is genetically modified also)

4. Is it normal to want to replace the meat taste? So many vegan products try to do it. Veggie burgers, nuts cheese, vegetable milk, etc.

5. Is it better to eat all this prepacked and wrapped and wrapped that stays for months and years on a shell in supermarket or just eat ALIVE FOOD?

We have so much Plastic Food nowadays, Junk Food- vegan, vegetarian, with meat. Too much read to eat food. Isnt it better to just go for the ALIVE one? Not the prefabricated? The best thing that we can do for ourselves is just to eat locally homegrown things - plants or animals.

meat vs vegan.jpg

This dilemma vegan or meat eater should maybe be replaced with the dilemma plastic eater or full of live eater?

We are so priveleged! We are so lucky! Imagine how many people are dying of starvation right NOW as you read this line. Imagine how many refugees are on the road dumpster diving for anything. And we, modern people, behind our small computers in a warm place are thinking what or not to eat when we have all this world of possibilities in front of us. So many people living with less then 2$ a day and we, that we can afford almost anything (or at least the basic food) think about what is right and what is wrong.

For me, we are a sick nation. A over bored nation that instead of going there to give a hand to the others. To lift each other up. To be equal we see only our small bubble and dilemma. Or at least, this is how I feel when I have this Vegan vs MeatEater dilemma.


Well, today, my long promised Rooster arrived Home. He is SO BEAUTIFUL!

My friend, who is a very kind women was finding excuses not to kill it. We both agreed that he is too tiny and he need to get fatter in order for our proper meal. She is also a vegetarian for years! In the end, after trying lots of options for somebody to take care of our beautiful Rooster - somebody that already has chickens, we gave up. Everybody that has already a Rooster doesn't want a second one!

The destiny of this little fellow is DEATH. By me, my beautiful friend or , someone else. This is the consequence of eating eggs. We all love the female chicken or how she is called. But the roosters are useless. Or the majority of it. They end up in soup.


So I had a long chat with my friend in front of our new bird fellow - Paco is his name. We had a tea together looking at him and trying to solve our moral dilemma: to be or not to be a vegetarian - this is the question.

In the end, we decided to go for it! For ourselves! For our connection with the ancestors! For our coherence of eating eggs and sometimes on others people's houses a tiny piece of chicken when we are invited.

We chose Death for Life.

On Wednesday we are gonna do it. Keep on posting. For whoever is interested in fallowing the stories of a newbie assassin...


But for all of you, reading this. I know you are not many that came until here. But still. You, who did it:


I pledge for a normal world! I pledge for the connection with the ancestors. I pledge for actions and consequences. I pledge for seeing with our own eyes where our food is coming from. And I pledge for your forgiveness..


Dear @purplemoon,

thanks for using the ecotrain tag but please do not use it in another post again, since only members of the ecoTrain are authorised to use it and, according to my knowledge, you are not one of them.
The ecotrain tag is meant to indicate membership in the ecotrain group and to keep track of member´s posts and is not a topic tag for general use.

The Conductor

P.S.: If you are still interested in becoming a member, I invite you to send an email to Alex at [email protected] and he will provide you with further information. Cheers!

dear @likedeeler thank you for your comment! I was not aware that ecotrain tag is a tag only for the members. I was thinking that is a general tag for eco alternative trends. I modified the post! And i will also speak with alex!

Cheers! :)

Welcome and no worries! 😊

Great post @purplemoon

I look forward to finding out what happens to the little fella.

well that little fella wakes up at 6am and starts the cucurigu thing that you even the far away neighbors can hear it :) So my dilemma is over. I don't want a noisy pet anyway :)) Tomorrow should be his last day :)

well, that little fella is in the hands of Jesus now! Not that Jesus from the Sky. Another Jesus, the Flamenco Gypsy with tight pants from our village rescued him. He is still alive and happy, having his own harem. You can read the rest of journey of that poor Paco between some nocturnal thoughts here :)

Yes, a good post. We should always question the decisions we have made that are ruling us. I became vegetarian 30 years ago and have never once eaten meat or fish since or wanted to. However now I have an Italian boyfriend I am eating so much cheese it is terrifying and I feel very hypocritical. Cheesr comes from the same meat industry.Really we shouldn't give ourselves labels and restrictions we should just try to make conscious descisions. Eat the chicken, buy the tofu, but think first if its the right decision for you.

I ♥ this post!
Yes, I can kill an animal with my hands. I have butchered many chickens and a few rabbits for a healthy source of meat for my family.
I love the honesty of your post and your dilemma between vegan and meat eating. In this day and age, the best kind of food is the kind you grow yourself, be it veggies or meat. And as long as the animal has had a healthy, happy life, and a quick, humane death, then you have nothing to be guilty about.
Let me tell you though, the first time is the hardest, and , like most skills, it gets easier with practice, but still, it always makes me a little sad...
Thanks for posting!

thank you for your comment! I will see how it goes. it is so good to find some brothers and sisters that went through this.
for me, it is necessary to kill it in order to have a peaceful mind. if i don't kill it myself, why do eat from somebody else? ...

thank you again! for sure i will write back! :)

but i must say, this rooster is annoying :)) now that he wake me up i don't find it so cute anymore :))

Exactly. I think it is good, if you are going to eat meat, then you should be willing to harvest meat.
Rooster crowing is annoying for sure! I like keeping at least one on hand for two reasons: the obvious reason is reproduction.
The second reason is he actually protects and watches over the hens and their babies. It is amazing to watch their natural behaviors within the flock. 😁

my granda has chickens all her life and she is over 80 now and i grew up watching all the process so in a subconscious way I already know what to do myself, the role of the rooster and I even prepared him special meal today :))

Fantastic, so you are pretty well set!

i couldn't kill that animal in the end! Maybe when it will a life or death situation and I will need it in order to survive, I will be able. But now, simply, I didn't want to kill... I wrote some thoughts here

kudos to you, brave killer friend! :)

Bah ha ha! Well, I can't say that I blame you... It is absolutely a difficult and unsavory task to have to do...
Ill check out your post!

brilliantly written sista! totally soooo important, yes i eat meat, organic but that doesnt change the suffering and killing of 'useless' animals in that industry, it just lessons slightly my chemical intake, hmmmmmmm

Hi dear! Great that you are making thoughts about this topic. Here are 2 of my articles about creating a healthy vegan lifestyle. I hope it can help you some.

Love, Niina

i read them both! I have so many vegan friends here and I get inspired by them. In the end, with all my mental preparation, I couldn't kill that animal myself... If you are curious, u can find the part 2 of the story somewhere here (between some nocturnal thoughts :) xx

Thanks for sharing this love!

Yes I can and I have for my own food... I grew up with the notion of you can't kill it you shouldn't eat it. Mind you though I am a vegetarian... I tried vegan but I don't believe in all of it so I am a vegetarian... I don't consume milk or yoghurt but will have a little bit of cheese every now and then.... don't eat fish Eggs only when I feel I need some extra b12 and energy ( I agree it's better then taking supplements for it...nature provides) the act of the actual kill is not so hard if you have your mindset right. If you realise why you will be ok...