Its the small things.... like waking up to a Winter Wonderland

in #nature7 years ago

My Husband and I are both still big kids at Heart so we both were completely giddy last night as we watched the mountain being covered in a blanket of snow. We love snow and we had already decided we were getting up and getting out in it first thing this morning.

This morning did not disappoint. It was honestly the most beautiful winter wonderland, ever. The sun was just peeking thru.

Ran around to the front of the house to check the trees and oh boy...they were soooo pretty!

My chariot awaits me..... I think his tractors sexy!

We loaded up and took off down the driveway. Its right at 1/2 mile down to the road. We were sure to have some trees down or something we need to tend to :)

The trees were beautiful hanging full of the slushy, heavy snow. They all looked like they could break any minute.

As the driveway turns back thru the woods the ice was shimmering in the sun. A few spots closed in around us.

We saw some deer tracks but all the animals seemed to be sleeping in.

Took the tractor a couple miles down the road and its a Good thing we did. We ended up moving 4 trees out of the road or at least made the road passable.This is the biggest snow since we have lived here. Right at 15 inches and all in 12 hours. Our place at the top of the hill and our little barn at the bottom.

When we got back to the house the sky was clear blue and the snow was beginning to melt. It was so beautiful falling from the trees. I am so thankful for this day and for the snow and all its beauty. The air smells clean and the sun is out.
For today, that is all I need! My heart is full and thankful.

Hope you enjoyed our snowfall!


Awesome pictures! I love snowy wonderland photos so much. Thanks for sharing yours!

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed them. It was such a beautiful snow and was gone in 2 days (bonus). I appreciate your support!

We woke up this morning to another two inches... surprise!!! (Not in the forecast!) But it's pretty much gone already. Spring storms starting up soon - those were exciting last year!

I love surprise snows, they are the best. I am still like a kid in the mornings when there is snow. Running thru the house window to window with my coffee sloshing around yelling it snowed, it snowed. Can't change the weather, might as well enjoy it. We know Spring is just around the corner. 15" last weekend and 69F today. C R A Z Y!!!

I truly love winter - and snow - but my husband hates it, so it's hard to want it much now because it will make him grumpy. (And he's spent most of his life here in Wyoming!) BUT, as March gives way to April, my green fingers start itching badly and all I want to do is grow stuff no matter how much white stuff is on the ground!

Oh my goodness, Montana :) I bet it is magical there when it snows. My husband and I want to visit there soon. Neither of us have been there. I bet your Hubs is over it. Hubs and I are pretty much on the same page. I am itching too. Lots of seeds going on and flower bulbs. I am a plant hoarder :)

Looks beautiful, @qberryfarms! Though I am fine with just looking at beautiful pictures of such scenes, without actually being there! :)

I get it :) I didn't feel quite the same way when I was working and had to drive in it. Makes a difference just sitting and enjoying or out playing in it. I am glad you enjoyed the pics though and thank you for stopping by!

Absolutely gorgeous! I'm not a huge fan of snow right now. I do like it in the winter...Just like that...heavy and packable. But it makes it tough to calve in 😫

"No self respecting heifer has ever calved in the daylight or in any place remotely accessible." My Dad :)

If that ain't the truth! We had to pull one out of a brush pile this morning. It got itself stuck and couldn't get out. The mama was hiding it.

Yeah, I bet so. I would probably not be as fond of it either if we had cattle. I was only thinking of my selfish self this morning :) It will all be gone soon. Spring is coming, I promise.

Unbelievable beauty! You guys are so blessed. Now all you needed to do was start a fire in the fireplace and snuggle in for the day! You have a beautiful homestead! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! Fire sounds awesome and some hot chocolate!

That is just stunning beauty. I'm hoping you have plenty of pixels to blow up that view of your place. That is like postcard material.

Thanks for sharing your snowfall with a guy that hasn't seen one in 20 years...

Thank ya! Glad you enjoyed them. 20 years with no snow....WOW! I like it too much to be away that long. This was the biggest one since we moved here a couple years ago. It was so pretty. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a message.

What gorgeous views you have - the snow is spectacular - everything looks new and clean!! Enjoy the rest of your day :)

OMGosh, it was a great day. Thank you! The Snow was So beautiful! I hope it wasn't our last this year :)

Wow, those photos are stunning! The blue tone really seems to pop! Stay warm!

Thank you so much and I appreciate you checking out my post!

Just lovely! And I'm mighty glad it's there and not here! LOL I've had enough snow and am ready to start digging this week. But I sure did love looking at your photos. That's the best way to enjoy snow this time of year! :)

Ha Ha! Thank you! We have been waiting on a big snow. We love it so much. I hope you have a sunny week so you can get out and work in your gardens and seeds. I have rocks to pick up in the garden and a bunch of flower bulbs to put in pots and the ground. I had basil and broccoli sprouting this morning and some Allysum. I am excited for Spring too but I am ok if it snows more cause we don't plant until the end of May. Have a good night!