Plant With Medicinal Value and Corrosive Poison Along.

in #nature6 years ago

calotropis gigantea is a herb know as aak or akwana hindi. this plant is widely found in wastelands in the southern asia and northern africa. it is commonly knows as milkweeds because of the white milky type latex it produces. the latex is corrosive poison and the plant is abandoned as a poisonous plant.
but along with it there are medicinal value also which are certified by the ayurveda.

the latex is used to induce vomiting as well as purgation.
different part of the plant including the latex is used for curing skin diseases.
ark of the plant due to its astringent property and natural cleansing used in early wound healing , itching and healing skin.
the leaves and latex is used as antidote for snake poison .
similarly there are many more ayurvedic medicinal properties in this plant but to use them one should know hoe to use them.
this plant must be kept away from children, because the latex is harmful to eyes .