Sacramento Kings Talk (kings vs warriors)

in #nba8 years ago

The Kings came out hot against the defending western conference champions. Leading the way to start the game was Rudy Gay with 15 in the first quarter. The Kings forced a lot of turn overs in the first half and were capitalizing on those opportunities. Things began to slow a little toward the end of the half and the warriors cut a 16 point lead to 7 before the half. In the 3rd quarter the Warriors came out hot and out scored the Kings 39-22 to take a 10 point lead into the 4th quarter. The Kings played better in the 4th quarter and kept the game competitive, but in the end the Warriors just have to much firepower and the Kings lost 117-106. The Kings can't expect to win playing only 3 quarters against the good teams in the NBA. To many times this year they play a solid 3 quarters and 1 lackluster quarter, they may be able to get away with that against the lower level teams in the league. But if you want to make the playoffs and compete in those playoffs you have to play all 4 quarters. Nobody is calling this Kings team a championship contender but they do have a chance to make the playoffs.
What do you guys think of this years Kings team?
Are they playoff contenders?
Are they headed in the right direction as a franchise?
Let me know what you guys think.
#NBA #Kings #SacKings