How To Overthrow Facebook With Steemit: A Blueprint

in #nedscott8 years ago

So I have a penchant for coming up with devilish ideas, and since I'm brand-new to this platform and still at the bottom of a steep learning curve, I've decided to go ahead and go hog-wild in sharing my dangerous ideas with this community immediately, rather than waiting for myself to catch up with all the heady technicalities behind this complex technology (which I will likely never understand anyway as a person who sucks at anything tech-related).

The concept is pretty simple: we (and by "we" I mean the entire Steemit community as a whole) should select a specific day on which we will flood Facebook's news feed with posts that mention Steemit and encourage everyone within our friends list to either signup, or at least have a look at this new social media platform. At the very least, I imagine that a mass action on this scale would draw enormous attention from the Facebook community, if for no other reason than the sheer volume of the posts and the suddenness of the onslaught. How could people not take notice of Steemit when post after post fills up their news feed one day out of the blue, like some kind of viral marketing campaign. Which I suppose it is. And were this to start a "war" of sorts between Steemit and Facebook as brands, I can only see this as a positive thing, since the sensationalism of it would only draw even more attention to the issue. People love a colorful controversy. Especially Facebook users.

The only way I see this backfiring is if Facebook employees systematically block the posts in order to prevent it from becoming a trending topic. So I think it's important for this event to happen as soon as possible so as to give no prior warning which would give them a heads-up and allow them time to prepare a counter-strategy. It's also very important for this event to occur on a single, specified day, so as to maximize the critical mass and volume of posts. Some of you may recall the highly successful "Bank Transfer Day" campaign launched during the Occupy movement, in which this exact same method was used to propel a specific agenda into the national media spotlight, and it worked:

<a href="


Don't get me wrong, I'm not an outright Facebook-hater. But I do have issues with them sharing our data without our knowledge to advertising companies, storing our metadata for unknown future purposes, and generally being shady with the legalize of their terms and conditions. And I wouldn't be surprised at all if some of the conspiracy theories about the platform being used as an unconstitutional spy database for the government are true. In fact, many articles across the web claim that Facebook has created the perfect surveillance tool for the NSA and FBI. And if that is the case, all I can say to Facebook is a grand "fuck you!"



I don't know much about facebook since I never used it, I like my freedom and privacy too much to hand it over to Suckabird.