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RE: [Needlework Monday] Challenge: 5 NICU Hats

You did such an Awesome job on these Lauren!! I love the color you chose with the little speckles of more colors! It is very sad thinking about how they also need these hats for the burial garments. I teared up when you talked about it. I’m really glad you were able to find a hospital to donate to and thank you so very much for participating in this challenge! Yay for reaching your goal! 😃

Your little one is just too adorable! I love how you showed the comparison and put the little hat on his head! That was just so adorable~ 😊🤗


Thank you! I think he's adorable but I'm also undeniably biased. Ben cracked up every time he saw that picture with the little hat on Daniel's head. He thought it was pretty funny.

Aw, I imagine that did come close to home for you...all I could think when I saw the list of hospital after hospital asking for burial clothes was, "WHY is there such a need for this? Why do so many of our babies die?" And then I pictured living back a while ago when it was rare for any baby to survive even eight weeks early.

It's just so easy for us to think we live in an age when anything can be fixed by going to the hospital simply because so many things that used to be practically un-survivable (pneumonia!) are easily taken care of now. To have the ability for so many of these preemies to survive is an absolute miracle that can't be taken for granted. To have so many healthy babies around makes it even tougher when one doesn't make it, though.

It was really strange to make the 25 week hat and think that there are babies born THAT TINY who make it. Absolutely incredibly amazing.

That is so true! Back then it was a rare thing for them to survive that long. It truly is a miracle when a tiny life like that survives. God is truly amazing and gracious~