Going to war Feb 29th

in #neoxian5 years ago (edited)


It's official, I've got a fight booked and I'm back in camp!

Quick post to share some personal news, I've got a fight booked for Saturday Feb 29th in our nations capital, Ottawa. The promotion is at our national war museum.

It's one of the top promotions in the country, and it's an honor to be asked to fight on the card. Winning a national championship in November I'm sure helped my case to got on this card, otherwise it's doubtful I'd be considered..

The venue is sick, picture this, the ring is setup in the middle of the TANK ROOM! Surrounded by WW1 and WW2 tanks and heavy artillery with an F-18 Fighter Jet hanging from the ceiling! Just sick!


My girlfriend and I both won Canadian National Championships in November,..here's our proof of Gold Medal(s).. Gold is our favourite colour, especially at Nationals!

We've been described as "The kindest killers you'll ever meet".. haha. Someone actually said this to us in Panama after hanging with us for a couple days and watching us obliterate our competition in the ring. We're both the soft spoken types. Not who you would typically expect to enjoy methodically dismantling people in the ring..

This is My Toughest Fight Yet!

My opponent is no slouch, I think his amateur record is 4-1, basically same as me (5-0). This will be my toughest opponent yet. I'll train harder and smarter, elevate my game up a notch.

I guarantee he's never fought anyone like me before.. I'm rough and grindy, I use my clinch and knees to wear you down, break you down, tire you out and finish you off.

My last fight was about 2 months ago, Gold medal match at Nationals, it ended with me finishing my opponent with a sweet TKO. I'm coming off a TKO win, have fought 5 times in the last 10 months, including fights in Panama, TBA's, Nationals,.. Where has this guy been?

Back in Training Camp

So for the next 5 weeks the majority of my free time is committed to my training.

Wake up at 6am and run hills every morning, then in the gym evenings 6 out of 7 nights of the week, plus sparring Wed/Sat. Sunday is a recovery day. It's a grind, the training is incredibly demanding. Each camp is about 100 hours of training for a fight that lasts 6 minutes.. That's 16 hours of training per 1 minute of performance..

Alright guys, if you've read this far thank you for following along! It's good for me to vent and get some thoughts out on some of the happenings going on around me..

Until next time..