The Daily Pen #29, Summer Winding DownsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #neoxian5 years ago

Unix Epoch: 1565558019

Reeds in a Lake, Original Photo circa 2009

Suddenly, there are only about 3 weeks left of Summer break from school for the kids. They started to really miss their friends and teachers this past weekend. I know I'm ready for a little bit of a break from the continuous activity myself.

This week we've registered for our 5th week of swim lessons. The kids have gone from nearly drowning the first few days to swimming fairly well. It's almost unbelievable how much they've improved in the water.

Next week will be time for gathering school supplies. And then summer number 8 as a full time parent will come to a close. I guess we only get about 18 summers. So, nearly half way to an empty nest. And then what? Dunno...