How Paleo Diet Changed Me

in #neutrition8 years ago (edited)

My mom is diabetic and my pops had a stroke and chronic blood pressure issues. And me I was obese but not morbid. I knew I had to do something or else I would have a major health issue which could potentially cause me to miss work on a job with no sick pay. Early 2014 I decided I had to act. Nothing I did worked in fact I seemed to loose 5 and gain 10. Then by coincident I saw Dr. William Davis on tv talking about "Wheat Belly" . I thought to myself what the hell I tried all the others.

For those not familiar with the paleo diet it excluded all grain from your diet. Yes, that means no more honey buns, cinnamon rolls, pizza, cake or hamburgers ect. My wife makes paleo bread for me but it aint the same but as usual stuff that's good to you is not good for you and vice versa. But I have adjusted my taste not to expect the gui texture of grain.

My motivation comes from my can do spirit and my deep suspicion of authoritative studies funded by big agriculture which recommends daily allocation of each of the food groups. So as a natural contrarian I thought it would be a good idea to kick the bottom out from under the food pyramid and flip it over. Just so I would die from eating a recommendation not approved by our over seers. Bad joke.

I have lost almost 80lbs. and for the first time in 10 years I am tottering on 199Ibs.


I want to post some photos can someone explain how.