Ten 9/11 Facts That Make America Sinister

in #new7 years ago
  1. Three buildings were taken down during the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, by two planes.

  2. Thermite was discovered in the debris of the Trade Center. Thermite is an explosive.

  3. The third tower to go down (hours after the planes crashed into the first two buildings) was Building 7 - Building 7 was never mentioned in the official investigation. It was not even acknowledged. It was also not covered on the news, and much of America never even learned of it until years later.

  4. On the day of the attacks, a drill was being run on what would happen if planes were hijacked and used as weapons. This drill caused much confusion with air traffic control. "Is this real, or is this the drill?"

  5. Firefighters and first responders as well as eye witnesses all report hearing multiple explosions coming from multiple different areas in the building, including the basement, prior to the collapse of the building.

  6. Mayor of New York called off the search for survivors after discovering the location of the gold that had been buried under the rubble, causing much distress amongst first responders hoping to find their friends.

  7. The only family allowed to fly on the day of the attacks after all air travel was brought to a halt was the family of Osama Bin Laden.

  8. The Pentagon is the most heavily protected air space in the world. There was no wreckage of an airplane discovered there...it was suggested it "incinerated" yet the passport of the hijacker was discovered not far from the scene, only slightly burnt.

  9. A gigantic sum of money went disappearing from the Pentagon the day prior to the attacks, and the missing money was being investigated in the part of the Pentagon that was destroyed. The missing money seemed to have been forgotten the moment of the attack.

  10. President Bush said that nobody could have imagined such a thing, yet the American government had written up Operation Northwoods back in the sixties, a CIA operation to frame another country for an event against the American people to lure us into war. In other words, not only had our government imagined such a thing, they were finally carrying it out, as President Kennedy had refused.