in #new7 years ago (edited)


Luke 15.11-32

For many centuries the people of the Lord have lived in the practice of a Christianity subjugated by a Greco-Roman system of Babylonian origin or Chaldean; for that reason the apostle Yojanan-John in the book of the revelations of the end, Revelation 18.4, the voice is heard Crying out to the people to leave Babylon, this event is prophesied for this time which we live, all this syncretism has led to people lacking knowledge and revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven besides this a lot of interpretations and doctrines of men who they have brought practices from the depths of the hell in order to confuse and divert the people.
Daniel 7.25

25 And he shall speak words against the Lord, and he shall crush the saints of the Lord, and think to change times and the law; and they will be delivered into his hand until time, and times, and half a time.

Today we have a hungry and thirsty people in search of the true gospel of the kingdom, recognizing through this that lies have been inherited which do not concern the true people of the Lord which has left a great mark, "Lost identity."

It is time to recognize and restore our identity in the Lord knowing that even though at one time we were distant and separated from the covenant but today through our Messiah we are part of a priestly people according to the order in our Cohen Gadol - high priest Yeshua HaMashiaj

let us recognize the need of the gospel of the kingdom in the midst of our lives and then live according to what was established by Adonay; When Moses was called the heavenly Father formed his character and identity so that he would also transmit this to the people of Israel. It is time to stop on the way to look and ask for the path of truth and justice to walk in it since we are living the time of restoration.

Shabbat shalom!

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