Bullying or inferiority syndrome result? - Bloody Valentine´s day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

in #new7 years ago


Last Wednesday, February 14th, 2018, students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Florida state, Broward county, USA, lived a large tragedy moment while an ex-student named Nikolas Cruz started an out of proportion shooting, killing 17 people and leaving more than fifty injured. Last Wednesday was supposed to be a day full of love and enjoyment among relatives, lovers and friends, but the destiny of people present at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was different, an environment of fright, shouts, hustle and uncertainty emerged, making students, teachers and the staff who works daily in the site run for their lives, hiding themselves under desks, downstairs and inside cupboards, waiting for get out of the high school all lives and to meet their relatives. It wasn´t well deserved for that special day.

Nikolas Cruz, a perfect shooter tactician or a mental breakdown boy?


Nikolas Cruz is a 19 year-old boy got graduated from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School some time ago and considered by several students as a problematic boy, studying wasn´t a main interest for this boy, he spent the most of time in high school trying to show some weapons he charged into his backpack to other students, pretending to demonstrate he was a harmful boy and anybody could damage him, a typical individual with a bad behavior who always brings troubles to society, mainly during the adolescence phase, when boys and girls are more susceptibles to suffer behavior changes, and the diverted ones should be stopped by parents, because they´re in charge of guide their children by the correct way. The information known about the activities Nikolas Cruz did after getting graduated from high school is poor, but the most probable is he didn´t got into a college in the interest of get a professional degree, so he preferred to be a guy with any intellectual increase and one interested for weapons and making actions to unbalance the society peace. In spite of his lifestyle and wrong behavior, Nikolas Cruz was up with the social media accounts like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube, these to make reference to principals. He used them to publish the type of guns he owned and the purposes he had in mind, just like an aberrant mentally ill-person. One more time, this is an example of the wrong use some boys make of Internet technology.


This is one of the images Nikolas Cruz published on his Instagram account, making public to his followers his aberrant fantasy with weapons and nastiness.


Last picture shows a group of guns over his bed.
But, what´s the reason why this young guy, Nikolas Cruz, adopted such criminal attitude? Why did he express himself promoting hatred to people? Did he have serious family troubles? Or maybe, did he feel alone, apart from the society? These are just a few of the numerous questions people can wonder to look for some explanation about why he shot 17 people and leave more than fifty injured without any reasonable cause.

In regards to the question made in the last paragraph, sometimes if Bullying by classmates in high school is the main reason, authorities should inquire into the individual behavior at home, trying to detect possible errors occurred during the grow up since childhood, an upbringing poor of correct principles and values used to generate deviated thoughts tending to make the individual to suffer mental breakdown. A lot of people usually avoid comments like this but it´s the true, parents have an important role over their children behavior.


As showed on that picture, parents must help children doing their homework, establish them some weekly housework, teaching them the big value a sense of responsibility has for them in the same way. Think in positive and responsible is needed for children to have success when they become adults. A fluent communication between parents and sons is necessary to develop a healthy relation into the household, happiness is a main factor that must be present at home to strengthen lifestyle tending to progress and overcoming of a family.

Inferiority syndrome of young people is due to lack of self-security?

People in high school should be alert on identifying Bullying cases and report all of them, because since last two decades the Bullying phenomenon has taken place several times. It´s been demonstrated that when a boy is always attacked by others during classes, it´s said, Bullying presence, the victim sometimes hasn´t any tool to defend himself, so because of the frequency of the attacks, the victim would be able to suffer deep emotional and mental bad changes, becoming an insecure person, but it generate two alternatives, the victim thinks he´s the worst and most weird thing existing in life or population is the worst and weird thing existing so people must be destroyed. The last option is the one usually adopted by people like Nikolas Cruz; an individual without any self-security needed to interact with society used to get displaced and in fact could become a potent criminal. This analysis is proved by the terrorist actions made by Nikolas Cruz, which never must occur at an educational place as a high school. When a person, specially adolescents, start to feel themselves less than others, it´s an evident sign of an inferiority syndrome, so it should be removed mainly by parents including professional assistance as soon as possible, to evade behavior deviations that promote criminal acting like this one, which can be named as a massacre.

Is Nikolas Cruz entirely guilty?

Parkland county sheriff told mediums Nikolas Cruz was living with a foreign family since the last 5 months, because his parents had died, so Nikolas was an orphaned 19 year-old guy since then. That´s the main reason why authorities must investigate this case deeply to find out what motivated Nikolas to turn on suck class of despicable shooting. It´s an important issue to bring these questions up and to answer them too, with the objective to found some resolution analyzed out to explain, not to justify, the acting of Nikolas. In spite of his family and life situation, there are infinite options to resolve infinite kind of problems. It´s non-justifiable to make a massive killing people and much less to take revenge. This massacre occurred in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, located in Parkland county, Florida, perhaps motivate the state to establish a more profitable guns control, maybe putting stricter blocks when someone want to own weapons, without any matter about the purpose.
