in #new8 years ago (edited)

Please stop asslicking steemit!
You put no effort into your posts! all you do is write shit like "Steem currency is gonna be worth 1000000 gazillion" You are riding on the Ceo of steemits massive 400 inch cock!
Just noooo....

"STEEMOT IZ DA BEZt" These people are all some kind of hive mind!
they all say the same! (What a fucking circlejerk #stopthecirclejerk)
they make the same posts such as "Why i quit twitter for steemit" No you didn´t fucking quit twitter! you
are just making these posts for upvotes cause the steemit community always upvotes these retarded things!
if someone just joined steemit!
good for them!
don´t fucking suck their cock and give them 1k steem!
Please share this! so that we can put an end to the #CircleJerk


Good post

@merlinscat Thanks!
Downvote any type of circlejerk posts!

I agree, but the best we can do is down vote. Increase your SP so you have more influence and join me on the downvote brigade


The structure of reward on steemit makes downvoting pointless. Unfortunately

Actually I just learned that if there are more downvotes than upvotes on a post, you earn money for downvoting. I'm not sure if it actually takes steempower away from the person who posted but for sure they wont get any profit

Then we must downvote bomb @dan

that's going to be tough, competing whith his voting power!

Yeah, if you downvote, you'll really only hurt yourself. Which is pointless to have it at all. @dan should really think about that one.

Yeah. Moontalk should be banned here :-)
People just upvote whatever they think will get them a buck, regardless of retardedness of the content. Vast majority of posts here show little intellectual or educational value. Sadly

It's annoying how much reward those who praise steemit get but it's kind of normal the whales want to see things like "steemit is the next big thing" and "steemit changed my life" on top of the trending posts.

The ass licking I see mostly is in comment sections.

If we can downvote comments then we shall downvote comments

IM happy that you understand!

Nice post. Do you like cock?

haha... what is that :D

They do pariguelas?...