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RE: Ork Hulk (Game 1) Turn 18

in #newbiegames7 years ago

S e e e e

Sorry for thé delay !

My dad phoned this weekend to get some counsel on buying an ereader, and reminded me that as far as connectivity goes I should have just asked my neighbours by now...

Sometimes the simplest solutions elude me too long XS

So tonight I'm going to try and make an arrangement with one of my neighbours. Hopefully he can share his/her wifi 😅


Hahahaha, it took me so long to realise that your first sentence was your move. I totally read it as "Seeeee, the simplest solutions are the best..." Ha. Excellent. Thanks, done.

Also, no stress on the delay, other aliens might have used the time to formulate epic plans of mass destruction or calling in reinforcements... this weirdboy is really just hiding under a table.