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RE: Banner - page breaks - gifs competition - newbieresteem

I've never seen it mentioned, yet I have people I know (and family), who are epileptic. Strobe lights and anything repetitive can trigger a fit. Apart from them, I also, when my anxiety levels rise, find gifs build up an unpleasant feeling or tension very quickly and then I give a little jerk, which relieves me.

Unfotunately gifs have become very popular, so I do not waste time wishing they would stop and just scrroll past them as quickly as I can.

What I would like to see is that they are 'circular'; in other words, not animated, end reached and starts over again (jerky). Some gifs are so smooth they do not show where they start-end, like rain falling. Those are nice.


Edited out just for you :-) I am trying to find a gif that simply rotates around with newbieresteem in it, something non flashing just gently turning.

Much appreciated, but was not hinting. Actually, I used to make gifs - they are very easy to make (In the old days, v6 of Paintshop pro had a small gif-maker included). Where you do not have action, but rather, the picture fades, grows smaller or larger and so on, the problem is that most create it as a sequence. let's say as you had it, fading to a blank white. Then, starting at first image again creates the jerkiness. Let us say you create the gif with 10 images. Plan your gif to have 18 images and place them as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 --->starts off again at 1,2,3.....

The effect would have been, it fades to white screen, then reverses itself, unfading back to full colour image....

As for sign, for example, turning, you need an imgae with it at various degrees, from full face, to a complete revolution. There are programs that can create this effect, with you deciding in how many steps, the more steps the less jerky, but the bigger the gif in memory. A happy medium has to be worked out...unfortunately I do not recall the names of any of these programs