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Anything covered or connected here will shatter rose tinted glasses and hopefully ruin the illusion perpetrating pop culture. This is a place for cold hard facts.

Can we elevate our civilization to live consciously?

Let's clarify...
Conspire (verb) Jointly make secret plans to commit a wrongful act. To be acting together to bring about an unfortunate result.

Conspiracy (noun) A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Theory (adjective) A reasoned set of ideas that is intended to explain why something happens or exists. An idea that explains or justifies something. A set of principles on which an activity is based.

Truth (noun) The state of being true. Actual facts. A fact or belief that is accepted as true.

Unredacted (adjective) uncensored

Shout-out to Jamie Dlux and Devin Worlds for shining light where we need it most. Definitions by Oxford Dictionary and